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Guy from Brisbane


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Hi I'm Will.

So essentially I'm 22 and living with my parents still, which somewhat limits my fish breeding ability (though there's whispers of stealing the back shed for a fish room).

Anyway, I've bred some pet shop fighters with a bit of success and am looking for better fish to use as a base.

I'm also here because I love fish in general.

I've got 4 tanks in my room (though sadly the biggest is only a foot long).

It contains a selection of guppies and mollies (because I've had them forever and they won't go away).

And I'm also breeding a swarm of endlers which the shop assures me aren't hybrids. Not that I really care, I just think they'd look nice as a swarm in a large tank... (though I must admit they're spawning quite true to the pictures from germany).

I also have blue yabbie whom is a few years old and lives quite peacefully with her firetail gudgeon companions. Unless I forget to feed her.

Oh and there's that horrible brown (I'm thinking female) peacock cichlid I'm subconciously hoping keels over one of these days to free up it's tank. If anyone on the southside wants it they're welcome to it.

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The shed sounds like a good idea Will!

Plenty of good, cheap tank setups available down there in Brissy too! One guy is giving away 6ft tanks at the moment (has a big queue of people waiting for them too!)

Re the peacock - maybe your LFS will take her for a trade on some food or another guppy?

When you take over the shed.... what fish are you wanting to get into breeding? More guppies? bettas? others?

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The LFS I frequent has already turned me down on the peacock.

Giving away 6' tanks? Scary. I'm a tight arse (not to mention a poor uni student) so I'll probably be raising fry in those clear plastic tubs you buy for storage for a while.

Um, I'm thinking more endlers (I want a big tank of males at some point but takes a while to get there) and ofcourse some fancy fighters because they're about the most stunning thing out there.

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Sweet, my dad and I have a couple of lyretail silver Mollies, funny little fish those things. We can't do anything in the tank without them coming up to nibble on our hands. :Drunk_Buddies2:

Thanks, he's a lavender Butterfly, and pretty heavily photoshopped in that picture in terms of colour lol Here is another picture of him for comparison.

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Will... nothing wrong with plastic tubs - apart from them not being see through enough....

Maybe you could look out for cracked tanks and patch them up - I've got a few of those - a cracked side and with a patch and that part to the back its not that noticeable and doesn't matter really for a breeding tank or growout tank...

Endlers are a damned nice fish - don't have any but then have no room ... maybe the peacock is destined for a tub and the endlers take over a tank....

Don't forget to checkout the classies on here from time to time you can pick up some really nice bettas for good prices and if you want some stunning imports go to LFS.... (She has a lavender butterfly plakat male available last I looked on her youtube channel)

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Yan, I assure you, that's exactly what I have planned for the cichlid.

Wow, you're right, that is VERY photoshopped. Still a nice fish.

Fishbites, it's true they're not very seethough, but they're wonderfully cheap (just like me). I will more than likely be on the lookout for cracked tanks, etc and as I'm not in too much of a hurry for space (the endlers thankfully seem to be uninterested in cannibalism atm) they may turn out to be enough.

Which is not to say I don't currently have a 50L tub cycling in the shed as we speak.

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