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Auburn Aquarium & Pet Center - Plakats, Giants, DTs!


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Sounds like a nice fishy. :)

I keep telling myself, I don't have room. I don't have room. But I sooo want those dragons! :lol:

They did have Giants for sale for a while, he probably is for sale otherwise I think they'd put him in one of the display tanks.

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I was in Syd on the weekend, and couldn't help myself with swinging by and having a look. There were some really nice SDs/deltas but I held off buying any seeing as I wouldn't be able to look after him for another few weeks until I'm back home for good. Plus, and a big warning.... I noticed quite a few of these fish had ICH, so take a close look at the fish you bought Julie coz he may need treatment before you add him to a tank with other fish!

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is that what bettas in a fish shop usually look like when jarred? I live just near Coburg aquarium in Melb, the bettas there kinda just float in their jars looking rather lifeless :lol: these ones look much better! but perhaps its just because they're new arrivals?

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3 were sickish on tuesday, they're being treated with multicure though. The water was green.

I don't think the shop's staying warm enough for them with all the people coming in and out. They are doing renovations and planning a new betta section though, so that should be good. :P

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I'm pretty sure it's malachite green + something else. I don't know what exactly. It was just referred to as multicure.

I brought home the Red Dragon Plakat!! Even better, he's a HMPK. :P I couldn't resist the puppy dog eyes he gave me. He would not flare for me in the shop but as soon as I got him in front of a mirror, bam! Big flare! He's so cute. :bighug:

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Thanks. :P I may end up breeding him, but I don't really have a suitable female right now. Although I do wonder what a red dragon x orange black would give me. :bighug: Haha, yeah there's quite a few really nice ones I'd have loved to bring home too.. I think I'll have to build some more divided tanks if they keep getting in these super nice ones!

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