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Snail problems


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I scrapped off the driftwood today (After having a disagreement with a BN who didn't want to get off of it and refused to until I pulled it completely out of the water.. :Drunk_Buddies2: ) and on all my smaller pieces of driftwood I only got NINE snails!! Normally I scrape off an excess of about 20-30!

lol Fishbites, I'll have to train them to be more friendly first! At least they don't run and hide when I am checking out the tank any more.. Wonder if I could get them eating out of my hand? *lol*

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there's surely no need to torment the snails, is there? They didn't ask to be born as snails. They're just trying to get by. Having clown loaches eat them is one thing, but putting them in salt or vinegar isn't really necessary.

Personally I am a big fan of my aquatic snails. I understand that if you have a problem with an excess of them they need to be removed, but it should be done as humanely as possible :D

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The Clown Loach pair seem to be slacking off, I've noticed an increase in snails again despite still doing the driftwood/glass scraping. I'll pop some zucchini in there tomorrow. I've also found snails in my smaller tank which is very, very strange as nothing has gone from one tank to the other. I have found dried up snails actually stuck to the outside of the tank before so.. They go walkabout and actually live that long out of the water? Gross.


And in other news, the Clown Loach pair swim around the tank together a lot more, and don't hide when I come over to watch them. They're adorable, such fun to watch. Though the random 'holes' in my substrate from where they've dug their heads in is somewhat of an annoyance. They also seem to like relocating the smaller pieces of the gravel lol I'll be sad when they go into my dad's tank. :)

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  • 1 month later...

Hello All,

I just got a bunch of malaysian trumpet snails(30 appox) off someone as i thought they were cute and would like nice in the tank + clean my gravel and after reading this post i am starting to freak out! :) in my main tank 28L i have had for about 5 years i have always had a few small roundish brown snails but it has never been a problem so when i got the new malaysians i decided they would go in my new 28L tank(which is still cycling so no fish only plants and snails) which i am planning for a breeding tank. i decided i might as well put a few(4) of the malaysian trumpet snails in my main tank + 3 singapore spirals which i got with the MTS. Now when i look into my new tank(only had them approx 1 week!) i see a few baby MTS's around and i am worried i dont want my main tank swarming with MTS i was happy with the few small snails i had in there.

Should i take the MTS's out of my main tank and put them in my new one?

Also - does anyone know if the singapore spirals might had the same breeding problem?

Please help!



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I have now taken 3 out of the 4 i put into my main tank out - just need to find the other little guy which is going into my "to be" breeding tank with the others!

@Bettarazzi yes i think they are cute but definitely do not want them taking over my tank and clogging my filters!

thanks for the advice everyone :(

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  • 4 weeks later...

My snails have over run my tank also :D I hate them and find them creepy also, been scooping them out, but there are more and more. I have an aprox 80L tank, could I have 2 clown loaches in there, or is my tank too small to keep them?

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My snails have over run my tank also :D I hate them and find them creepy also, been scooping them out, but there are more and more. I have an aprox 80L tank, could I have 2 clown loaches in there, or is my tank too small to keep them?

i Think you could get some gulp but they will grow rather large

but if you had another larger tank for when thier fully grown thiers no real reason you couldnt

might even be able to move them on once they get to big for that tank if u dont have any were else to put them

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Speaking from experience, as soon as the CL's are gone, the snails will return in just as many numbers as before. The loaches only need to miss ONE snail, one egg.. and the plague returns. You can't kill these things! :D

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bugger :D

Maybe I might try a complete tank overhaul, replace gravel, wash plants, scrub driftwood, etc etc...

I just hate seeing the damn things everywhere :D

Complete tank overhaul... maybe this is an exuse to buy a betta pair....

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I don't like bristlenose catfish....so I don't put any in my tanks

Best control for snails is to carefully inspect/disinfect everything that goes into your tank

If you have them and don't want them.....start again and throw out the substrate

I dislike the concept of using Clown loaches.....they need to be in a group of at least 6....and a group of 6 adults need at least a 6 foot tank!

I have MTS in ALL my tanks

They don't eat fish eggs

They don't eat plants

They do eat uneaten food

and their waste is a good substrate for infusoria(first fry food)

and if they overpopulate a tank I treat them the same as I would plants or fish

I thin the population by removing some.....zucchini overnight works for me

Nothing wrong with snails in my book....they do a valuable job

MTS are livebearers....they dont leave any eggs....but newborns are very tiny and easy to miss in a revamp

Learn to love them! It's a lot easier than trying to get rid of them!!!

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