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Indian Almond Leaf


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if you post in your old thread, it's no longer an old thread. Most people use "view new posts" when they log in, and read the new posts. So post in whatever thread you want, people will see the new post.

BTW, complaining that members don't reply fast enough to your posts may not be the best way to endear yourself to a bunch of people who are happy to help, but do also have other commitments (she said, having arrived home from work at 10.30pm and working a 12 hour day and commuting for another hour to get home only to be up again at 5.30am to do it all over again). Just a suggestion :D

BTW I see than Yan responded within 2 hours to your post - that's a pretty good turnaround time, if I may say so.

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You've been on the forum for three days... Surely there is heaps of archived posts here, plus the articles you can access on the main page, to get through while you are waiting for responses. I haven't even come close to reading everything here yet, and I spend *a lot* of time here... :D

I can definitely recommend Jeff and Wan for all your IAL needs. Great service, and cheap too. Their prices usually include shipping. I got a whole stack of leaves for >$15 ~6mo ago, and I haven't even gone through half of them yet. If you want a smaller quantity, there might be people here in the Classifieds or at your local gathering (Brisbane?) who might be willing to part with a few.

Edited by Terribletegs
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Hi Kandee!

I second both notions!

If your not planning on breeding or keeping a tonne of betta just yet, the extract someone has is great. It makes it easier to get used to the colour it sends your water too. I am wary of some brands of blackwater extract as I have seen them with preservatives, but someone's only has a little salt.

If you end up breeding, then the leaves are helpful. Alot of males will bread under them and the female can use them to hide behind too. Jeff and Wan are the way to go if you plan on doing breeding long term, but for your first go, I'd grab a pack from someone. Besides, you realy need to see Her fish store!

If your after information fast, try using the search function. Unfortuantely it can't search for three letter words or smaller, so IAL wouldn't work, but indian almond leaves or ketapang certainly would. Feel free to ask questions though, sometimes you just need confirmation that you have the right idea. You'll find that posts about sick fish are answered fastest, as even some of our bussiest members kindly take time to check the clinic regularly, none of us likes to see a fish suffer.

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