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Hello From Melbourne


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I have been keeping tropical fish for a few months now in a community tank and will be reclaiming a second display tank from its occupants, 2 comets and a Shubunkin.

Before i go ahead and stock the 48 x 18, I thought I would do some research into livebearers as these will be the new inhabitants.

I need to know what conditions they enjoy.

I spend some time on the Australian Fish Forum of which i am a registered member and loved the help I got there on keeping tetras, hoping to meet some new friends here on this forum.

Please say hello if you feel like it, i don't bite


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ninoid12, bubbzy81 and Lilli,

Thanks for the welcome...

Im planning the tank to come inside this week, my dad will give me a lift with it. I am a little worried about conserving my fully cycled water that is in the tank currently.

I also plan to use some substrate when the move takes place because i want a planted tank. My thoughts are using amazonia ii, is this ok for livebearers? and my ph from the tap is highish and i heard amazonia ii acts as a buffer. This would be a welcomed method of buffering PH.

I also want to buy liquid ferts and maybe do DIY Co2. I currently use flourish excel to also keep algae at bay. Is it ok to dose the tank with excel and flourish or is there a better Seachem product? I also age my water with Prime , straight into my tank upon water change, is it worth getting a food grade barrel to store water and age it every week before water changes, does any one do this? Can you provide instructions.

Ok enough about me , and I will now be posting anything in the set topics,

C u

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I am a little worried about conserving my fully cycled water that is in the tank currently.

Don't worry, the nitrifying bacteria colonises surfaces, not the water column.

I don't really know anything about Amazonia except that it does reduce pH. I understood that a "buffer" prevents a drop in pH, rather than causing it. Don't livebearers require somewhat hard water? What do you mean by "highish"?

is it worth getting a food grade barrel to store water and age it every week before water changes, does any one do this? Can you provide instructions.

Absolutely. You should always age tap water at least 24 hours so the unavoidable pH fluctuations occur before you add it to the tank. As for instructions, I guess you fill, add Prime, leave, then bucket it in! Or get a little pump and hose to pump it into the tank.

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I use 2, 60ltr bins from bunnings they were about $10 each first i put them outside and washed them out with hot salty water, then i filled them up with water and left them for about 2 weeks just incase any thing was in the plastic that could leach out, then i moved them inside i fill them with a 20ltr bucket and add IAL tea (or 2 leaves), Prime and fresh trace i then leave the water for a week befor i use it, my bin's sit next to cabnets that my tanks stand on so its easy to move 1ltr or 10ltr :)

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