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What is this Mystery Fish?


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I've had a few fry growing in a tank of mystery snails the last week or so and finally they are large enough to try to take a photo of them - poor quality but enough to see their shape/colour pattern...

But what are they? They are only about 1cm long at the moment and happily swimming round my shrimp tank and have grown quite quickly (hopefully by not snacking on baby shrimp!)

The only other fish to have used this tank have been bristlenoses. There is one piece of driftwood in there that I had in another bristlenose tank and it has a few java ferns on it which I got from the LFS. I can only guess that the eggs came along with the java fern but the LFS plant tank only contains live bearing fish so I'm stumped as to how these got in the tank and what they are...

Can anyone recognise them at all?


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I've got some gold sev's at the moment but too small to breed... if they are sev's they would be greens going on their dark markings but they look to have vertical black stripes... they definitely have a cichlid look to them don't they?

Oh well... will just have to keep growing them to see what they are...

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They do look like those convict fry don't they! but.... how.... ?

My convicts have never had plants or driftwood in their tanks.... the only convict fry I have are minute compared to this trio (and where there's one convict theres a hundred!) Looks like the mystery is solved though .. unless there is another cichlid similar looking at that age...

Thanks Julia for the pic link... now I'll just dump them in with the other 300 convicts!

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