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My first half moons


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I finally have some half moons! I snapped these up from someone's last sale so I thought I'd take a few pics of them.

I took them outside to get natural light on them and they sulked on the bottoms of their tanks - so inside with a flash unit and a mirror and I finally got some action from them. Not great pics but you get the idea.

This one's pic doesn't do him justice - Blue/Yellow Mustard Gas style HMM - the blue mixes in nicely throughout the yellow of his fins in the sunlight. The female is a nice blue as well with almost pure yellow fins and a dark edge to them. She's a lively little thing too.


Choc Steel melano HMM - not sure where the big red dot came from - his fins are a strange combination of orange brown to almost a clear black at the ends. This one could also pair with the melano steel female I have coming.


This one's more of a 'bad moon rising' - he got hungry on the way up and ate half of his tail (just as he had almost healed from the last chewing effort). In the right light he really is copper, orange, and black. someone said he is part dragon as well so I have a female copper dragon on the way for him as well. Need to find a muzzle for him so he won't keep snacking on his tail.


And lastly this guy - loves his reflection so much he won't even flare at it! Will have to do some flaring training with him to get a decent photo. In the sunlight - his fins actually have a green / turquoise wash over 95% of the white area. Depending on the light he can look either green / turquoise or blue. Not sure about a girl for him yet.


I'm thinking of staying with blacks / blues and coppers if I can but we'll see .... The idea of some HMPK dragons still hasn't escaped me but for now ... these will do just nicely... A melano black HMM and a melano steel HMF is also on the way as well as a nice turquoise crowntail female for one of my crowntail males.

Thanks goes to someone for her patience and assistance and getting them to me during a week when she had an international order happening (hope she got some sleep!).

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Even with munched fins Badmoon is lovely!

With taking your fish outside to photograph, try just in the shade. It is amazing how much brighter it is than inside, (as long as it's not 'deep in the forest' type shade) even tho our eyes tell us otherwise, the fish should cope a bit better, and you can get some good clear shots. An overcast day is fantastic for this too.

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I too looked (and drooled) at that Choc Steel Melano... but tied my hands in a knot and pulled the phone lines from the wall. I've more than my hands full with 2 x spawns, more fish than hubby would like me to have (apart from stressing about the 260 babies that are growing bigger everyday) and now a cat whose decided to take an interest in fishing... inside!!! Needless to say, I've now some very stressed out girls, battling velvet & white spot.

Hope you do stay with the blacks as they are quite stunning IMHO and like you, I also like the blues & coppers. It makes a nice change from the increasing interest in metallics and dragons (if these are not one in the same)... that's not to say I don't like these, I absolutely love the latest spawn of CallaLilli Bettas (not sure if I got that right)... but it does involve a copper black dragon & a black lace HMPK.

In my black collection (so far) I've a black plakat male, black & red bicolour HM male (avatar pic), 3 x black lace HM girls). I've a small spawn from my black plakat and black lace HM and a large spawn from my avatar guy and a copper? black lace HM. I started off thinking I'd like to do blues, but black is rather striking particularly when mixed with the golds, coppers, reds etc. I'd like to perfect a black HM and a black crowntail... one day.

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Bender - that munched tail and way he carries himself gives him the ultimate 'bad boy' look I think - just don't know what his girlfriend will think when she arrives! He's been strutting round his tank trying to look tough but the missing tail is quite funny really.

muthaof5 - The chocolate steel is very nice in good light (I'll get round to better pics some day). I'd love to breed a line of fish like him - the blue and brown colour goes quite well together I think. I like the metallics but not so much dragons but I have seen some stunning gold/yellow HMPK dragons that I wouldn't mind working with some day. Those of CallaLilli Bettas are brilliant - some great colours coming out in them (if only I can breed some fish half as nice...). Jet black HM's and CT's would look great - hope you get some stunning fish - I have a melano black HM and melano steel HMF coming so will try to see if I can get some nice black fish eventually too - just have to take it slowly as I don't have the space or time especially with cooler weather coming up.

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