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Anyone Heard Of A Lacetail Betta?


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I was talking to a bloke at a local pet shop the other day - he told me of a young person who came in wanting to buy some "lacetail fighting fish" like they got at another shop. He asked them to bring it in as he hadn't seen one before ....

Turns out the kid was sold the fish as a new variety of fish called a lace tail by another pet shop - the 'lacetail' was due to fin rot eating holes in a normal veiltail!!!!!!! Unfortunately the fish died....

It's annoying though that someone out there will make up a name to get rid of a fish that they either knew nothing about or knew it had something wrong with - whichever the case it's possible people like this turn people away from the hobby of keeping fish.

Not impressed and certainly will avoid the shop unless I'm desperate (and definitely won't be buying fish from them!)

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I think the LFS should be charged with animal and child cruelty

That's exactly what it is - animal cruelty for not treating the fish and making it well again and cruelty to the kid for the pain of losing a pet.

Unfortunately Fair Trading probably wouldn't do anything over a $5 fish confused.gif

Maybe the RSPCA might do something - it would be worth an enquiry...

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I think the treatment of Bettas could be looked at by the RSPCA but don't get me started on that :)

I can think of a large LFS that has DEAD male in there small jars going white/water and fish

When I work in the pet trade we would remove sick fish(put them out the back) or put them

to sleep quickly you never let anyone see sick stock, let alone sell it.

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Unfortunately the 'evidence' is long gone now and the RSPCA does have too much to do because of people not looking after their animals confused.gif

...but I might contact Fair Trading this week and ask the question anyway and see what they could do incase there's a next time.

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