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mmmm discus


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oh my god! are you kidding about the Oscar? It's just that Oscars are agggressive/predatory and discus are timid, and will go on hunger strike and actually die from it over the most trivial issues. Putting discus with an oscar would be a very bad idea. Also discus are very sensitive to nitrate in the water and oscars are like nitrate factories. Discus tend to do best in species tanks OR in planted tanks with gentle other species like cories, tetras (ones that don't nip) etc.



PS Lyrical, sorry you lost your boy. And sorry to Michael too - it's hard when one of your 'kids' dies young.

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lol, yeah i thought it was weird putting oscars and discus together, only because i never seen it before and assumed they wouldnt get along.

figthers4u just gets tricked all the time by her oscar cause he does all these cute faces and lets her believe you could put anything in with him lol.

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Fighters tis called a husband who says no more and a lack of money.........l'd love to knock a hole in one of the walls in the living room and put a 3 to 4ft in the wall but my husband keeps saying no.......dirty stop out that he is.........

No need to go punching out walls... Just build(buy) the required tank, build a decent stand for it, with room for a canister (or sump, if you're feeling particularly DIY-ish), set the whole shebang in place and build a wall around it. Leave a hole for the fishies to see out of, though...! This is what I'll be doing for a Discus tank in the not too distant.

Just going on suitable tank mates; I have seen Discus in with Angels and have been wondering about this ever since. I guess they are both Cichlids, and since the Discus are too docile to attack and too large to be attacked, I figured there could be little harm in this combination... Thoughts? And what about Discus/Angels and Killies together? Would love a tank like that!!

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I have read tha angels are perfect tank mates for discus not sure about killifish. Do they like the same water conditions? Would the discus eat them? And the discus can fend for themselves, one of mine that only got put ino the tank on Sunday night was having a go at afew of my fishies this morning at feeding time. Gave me a laugh as I thougt they were meant to be too shy.

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Fighters tis called a husband who says no more and a lack of money.........l'd love to knock a hole in one of the walls in the living room and put a 3 to 4ft in the wall but my husband keeps saying no.......dirty stop out that he is.........

Hey Lisa Michael is feeling inspired he might come over and do the tank in the wall thing for you :thumbs:

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Fighters tis called a husband who says no more and a lack of money.........l'd love to knock a hole in one of the walls in the living room and put a 3 to 4ft in the wall but my husband keeps saying no.......dirty stop out that he is.........
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Now I hear angels are no good with discus. I don't know

That is my understanding both from reading and personal experience. Angels are very territorial, and the discus won't stand up for themselves. We tried it (about 30 years ago) and wound up with the discus hiding in corners and going hungry.

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yep, what sloopy said. Sure both are cichlids, but great whites and wobbegongs are both sharks - doesn't mean they'd make good tank companions :thumbs: . And killer whales eat other whales.

I don't know about keeping them with killifish, but I prefer tanks that are at least a nod in the direction of a biotope so have never thought about it. As I said, the general consensus is that discus do seem to do best in a species tank, and they will do ok in a tank with peaceful companions. They aren't cheap, so I wouldn't waste money experimenting with them.

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wooohoooo guys years ago when we first got married ..l had a 3 foot tank in the hall way....anyhow circumstances changed and l got sick of fish ....we put the tank in a storage room outside inthe back yard ....hubby said the tank was cracked when l bought my first siamese last yr .............but hubby is going to pull it out of storage on the weekend so we can look at it and l'll fill it with water and see if it leaks ............fingers crossed everything is ok ....because all l need then is black substrate and plants woohooooo and of course"Discus" doing snoopy dance .........l'd love black substrate prefereably a sand type one and of course plants and l want the bright orange discuss l think their called" melon " sigh!! anyhow thats the idea at the moment ......so cross fingers my tank is ok.

Oh l bought a new male betta........l was over at blackburn aquarium on wednesday and they had a "Delta tail "male and his bright red with a black line around the edging of his fins and his body is irredescent blue ....his so stunning the middle of his tail is missing and they assured me it was

ok when he arrived......so l got him for $20 instead of $25..once his settled in and his tail has grown back l'll take pics of him so u can see him and l bought some new cichilds l got 2 Leleuipi ...they are a dwarf cichild so beautiful here is a link...so u can see them http://www.gcca.net/fom/Neolamprologus_leleupi.htm ... l've got them in my 15 litre splish splash tank with sand and a terracotta pot that we spilt and poly resin log with a plant on top.....

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