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Phils Shed of DEATH!


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Ohh....no....not the metallic blues :D Faulty board, haven't seen it for a very long time and there is no way to 'predict' that :D Good luck Phil, look at it from the bright side, you can start getting new stock and restart over.

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Yeah, i really should, am due for some good luck ;) On another negative note, our little dog we have at work got hit by a car thismoring, luckily she wasnt run over but her site was ripped and she was at the vet but went into shock so they cant fix her up till she comes out of it. Poor little girl.

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Okay Phil - I give up :P You win the tank/shed of death contest. Now you can keep your fishies nd I'll try to keep mine too okay? :P On a more sombre note - I hope that this bad run is over and along with the 2nd heater in each tank I would suggest using a separate powerboard for the secondary heaters. Good luck with it all I look forward to actually coming down and seeing these barracks fully operational on one of our road trips. :P

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ok di, deal. no more dead fish EITHER of us!

On some wonderfully exciting news, i havent checked the shed in a few days as i thought the fish were dead and hand gotten around to emptying their bottles, so i went down thismorning, to find that one that appeared dead, is actually ALIVE!! It is my very best and most favorite female :P:P

its this one:

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