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Which Irridescent Colour Do You Prefer?


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Hey all. My favourite irridescent colours are royal blue and turq/green. While I can appreciate steel blue, and some specimens can be very nice, I just don't seem to feel warm towards it. I am not completely sure why. I just seem to have a kind of aversion for it. I guess it stems from what my goals are - e.g., breeding a metallic steel to a metallic royal blue won't give me greens, which would mean I'd either use green x rb or rb x rb to give me those colours. :thumbs: What about you?

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Not a fan of Steel either. Steel blue can be passable. They look all washed out IMO. I am a Turq/Green fan also ^_^. Thank god you do not see red wash in the anal fins like years ago. It was my worst nightmare!

I love Royal Blue. My very very first HM was a RB from Melano lines :thumbs: He was bred by Robin from Canberra.

How awesome was his colour?? Never had a fish quite the same since.

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Minw would have to be Steel and Royal Blue :thumbs: Main reason, is that I can use the steel blue for Opaques and Melano I am a big fan of crossing blues with Melano's as the blue colour becomes so much more depper and intense. The turqs I have a bit of an aversion to, because they're not "that" green. But I think I should work with them a bit more before I can fully rule them out

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I love royal blues and greens. Turq's I'm not too bothered by either way.

I'm wasn't particularly fond of steels until my latest spawn produced some steel marbles, and black/steel lace boys, which are actually quite an interesting colour. :thumbs:

You can't beat a fullmask royal blue tho.

This is my most favourite guy ever, who hasn't been spawned yet!

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I like all. Metallic Royal Blue is such a surreal colour, I especially like that. The sheen on a metallic turquoise is also magnificent, the boy I sent to the show before last was like the colour of peacock feathers. But like Rob, I have always had a thing for steels, for the same reason - ability to use them in melano and opaque lines. They are pretty understated too, which I admire. I prefer the metallic versions of RB and Turq, as I generally aim to produce metallic (ie copper/gold/platinum) bettas.

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I'm with Lilli that metallic royal blue is the best (IMO) I remember a pair of metallic royal blue HMPK's that i bought from Edie a year or so ago, they were the most AMAZING fish ever, probably the best HMPK's i have ever seen. Unfortunatly i got them during winter and had a heater malfunction and they died because of the cold water :((

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though not breeding any of those kinds for now i do like the deep blue or "royal blue" blue has been one of my favourite colours since a kiddo, so its all embedded :blink: but for now i will stick to reds or redder tones for the time being, then probably i shall move onto other things in life

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