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Let's put it simply Chi, how many fish are you entering??

If you take Jarrod and myself out of the picture and only allow locally bred fish, you would be lucky to have 10-15 fish.

If the fish were available maybe we could try it but for a decent sized show, we NEED imports. Don't really think our local fish would get the reaction from noobs that local imports will get.

Ps. Most of our fish are imports too. Locally bred stuff not full size yet so I guess we can have a Betta show with no fish.

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Also, in Thailand etc. it is so much easier to breed the fish because the outdoor weather is perfect for it. They just plunk a new spawn in concrete tubs to grow out... How easy! In Aus, so much more work and effort not to mention space is required to do it.

Regardless, I hope this show inspires people. I know I have tried to get others involved, my teacher used to breed betta so it would be nice to see her do that again! It would be nice one day to see an Aussie show but just at the moment, while so few people know about all the beautiful betta out there hopefully the imports can educate them. They have so much experience and knowledge over there, so some of the fish will be amazing!!

Lots of photos or videos for everyone unfortunate enough, not to be able to be at the show! Thanks!! Hope it goes really well and fingers crossed for massive crowds! You've put so much time and effort in, so i hope it all pays off. Gonna be an outstanding day!

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Let's put it simply Chi, how many fish are you entering??

If you take Jarrod and myself out of the picture and only allow locally bred fish, you would be lucky to have 10-15 fish.

If the fish were available maybe we could try it but for a decent sized show, we NEED imports. Don't really think our local fish would get the reaction from noobs that local imports will get.

Ps. Most of our fish are imports too. Locally bred stuff not full size yet so I guess we can have a Betta show with no fish.

And why do you think I have not entered any fish? How would my locally bred fish stand a chance against imported fish that have been bred for ages and fairly costly to purchase? This is why an Australian bred show would be great! No fish? That's exaggerating it a bit ain't it? Lets be honest, It's not that there are no fish it is because Australian breeders feel that they don't stand a chance against the imports and that is why they don't enter with their personally bred fish...I see many spawns on this forum from many members all through the year so why would there be no fish? Instead of entering the fish they bred they sell them and go buy imports to enter. That is just this forum there are many out there who aren't on this forum that breed betta as well but feel like I do and don't enter because they are up against imports. Would you enter a 100m sprint race if you knew you were up against Usain Bolt? Again this is just my opinions and views so don't get upset or take to heart. Good luck to all members that have entered, I honestly wish you the best of luck.

PS: I know I promised not to post on this matter anymore but I had to answer Busman's question, guess I am a promise breaker!LOL!

Also, in Thailand etc. it is so much easier to breed the fish because the outdoor weather is perfect for it. They just plunk a new spawn in concrete tubs to grow out... How easy! In Aus, so much more work and effort not to mention space is required to do it.

Which makes it all the more satisfying if you win with your bred fish is it not? Considering how much effort YOU put into it not someone else?

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Mate, there are NO locally bred fish at this stage to hold a show. The guys in Melb have nothing ATM, Jarrods has some great blue HM but not quite up to size and mine are way too small. Jennie has a few she has bred but no great numbers. In our club there is quite a few spawning with varying success but nothing that will really be ready soon. Jarrod and myself (can't talk for others) don't have any left from last years spawns for various reasons (sold, illness ect).

Not upset Chi just a little frustrated. We are trying to get a show scene together with the goal of having locally bred fish only (verified by club members) but at this stage it's a dream. The amount of unpaid time we are all putting into this is astonishing. We need support or this is just a waste. I think it was Jennie that put it the best, she is entering her fish not because she expects to win but because she is PROUD of HER fish.

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Which makes it all the more satisfying if you win with your bred fish is it not? Considering how much effort YOU put into it not someone else?

Yes, that would be so satisfying, but my point is... Not many people in Australia are willing to take up so much space with spawning, growing out and jarring betta. I would love to enter my own fish into a show. I just can't get spawns working for me at the moment :( but also electricity costs etc. cause in Thailand they're all outside as their outside temps are right for betta. Ours are just too low so need to heat water. It just takes a lot more work, time and space which not a lot of people are willing to give up. That's why Thailand have so many more people breeding cause it can all be done outside where they have space.

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OK, this is the last time I will weigh in on the discussion of breeder only vs mixed breeder/import shows. As said above, nothing I say will change Chi's point of view and I respect that.

I, and several other club members have spent a hell of a lot of personal time and effort in making sure this show will be a success.

Would I love to see a day where the majority of fish entered into a show are locally bred?


Will that day be next Sunday?


Am I going to let it spoil the day?


Am I going to do all I can do to ensure it's success?

Yes, and I'll be damned if I don't find time to enjoy myself - hell, I've taken a break from it all today and I'm enjoying myself already! *lol*

Chi, I hope to see an entry or two from you one day once we have a much larger self breeder entry base. Until then, :cheers: cheers!

Come on guys, where is the love? Let's forget about the semantics and get on with having a bit of fun to celebrate how far we have come! :D

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@shadoh don't get me wrong, I highly respect you for all the effort you have put in to make the show a success. When the day comes when there is a show like you say, I would love to be there with an entry or two. Until that day good luck to all Aus Aqua entrants! PS: if everyone had the same opinions and views how boring would life be?

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Well here we are the second night of setup and all's well.


Starting to set out the beanie boxes


Cleaning beanie boxes and filling them.


Still building the display.

Hopefully it will be finished being built before benching in starts tomorrow. :D :D :D

Have plenty of vallium ready for Saturday. :alright:

Graeme :fish:

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Woah !!

Killer setup guys - PLEASE PLEASE LOTS OF VIDEO PHOTOS WHATEVER - I couldn't get the time away from work (bah - employment) but GREAT work - jealous!!!

I love that this thread has gotten a little bit firey - secretly - I love it, because frankly - nobody has anything to back up the aussie fish only argument!

proof is in the puddin' and us dudes that want a show scene are killing ourselves for it... you dudes make the Aussie fish - and we can have a special show just for you, but right now the Aussie bred fish show is in my barracks... actually, of the 20 males, I have only 2 that I made.

Show us your Australian made entries - then we'll have an aussie made show.

Rock on! (PS. once we all agree that it's a good idea ....how are you going to prove it?)

Ohhhhhh and:

"Lets be honest, It's not that there are no fish it is because Australian breeders feel that they don't stand a chance against the imports and that is why they don't enter with their personally bred fish...I see many spawns on this forum from many members all through the year so why would there be no fish? Instead of entering the fish they bred they sell them and go buy imports to enter. That is just this forum there are many out there who aren't on this forum that breed betta as well but feel like I do and don't enter because they are up against imports."

Excuse me mister, but I've had my Aussie bred fish come best in show (Judged by IBC standards) AND up against imported fish - just as many times as my imported fish (that I chose) ..have won.. our Aussie fish are F1, F2 at best - they really aren't that different!

Personally I think we have the quality - I think we don't have the QUANTITY - and buggered if I'm going to hold on to all my fish just so I can participate in an IBC show (that happens, what, every year?) oh wait - we haven't had one yet... because the show scene is so small that people got to bust a gut getting it up.

I agree that an acknowledgment system would be great, perhaps a separate award shaking the hand of the breeder/shower... but think about it - NO other pedigree animal show scene dose it.

The ENd ! (:

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Home now. Left at 8-50 am. Another long day. Can't thank Graeme, Jenny, Pete, Kiana (?) and her mum enough. Without your help guys, Jarrod and myself would still be there on our own.

Coming along nicely. Another 60+ to go tomorrow morning. Alarm goes off at six.

Can't wait for it to be over. :-(

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