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Fish Eggs


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I dont know whether it is just a boy thing, early onset senile dementia, to many Killi eggs or bordome but you can be the judge.

Today whilst sitting by the Killi tanks picking over the mops I thought Caviar MMMM and decided to see what killi eggs tast like. It was like two voices, left shoulder :devil: "Go on you know you want to"

right shoulder :blink:" you do that, your nuts". Well as usual left shoulder won and some how one poped in to my mouth. I was expecting that burst of flavour as caviar hits the tonge and excites the taste buds, but nothing happend no tast at all:((. So thinking this was just becouse I had only put one egg in my mouth I thought to my self ,left shoulder:devil: "Self you have started somthing hear try half a spoon full maby that will work" Right shoulder :blink: " Realy !". so placing all the eggs I had collected, Half a teaspoon in my mouth and still no taste. Well i was more than a little disapointed but at least I know the only market for Killi eggs will be for people wanting to hatch them, not eat them.

I have tried many diferent fish eggs most comercialy produced and some not:giggle:. has any one else tried none conventioneal fish eggs??



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You'd probably get a lot more flavor if you put a bunch of newly hatched BBS on a tiny bit of lettuce and a drop of mayo!

I see a new specialty cuisine developing through you Les! Aquaria-gastronomica!!!

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OK Paul

That just tasted like salty Mayonaise with crunchy Lettuce, It didnt tast shrimpy at all.

Sarah what are you doing eating crashed grindel worm cultures? And washing it down with viniger eels?? Bordome, early onset, it cant be a boy thing???



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I don't have a recipe but Wikipedia says:

whole mature ovaries are removed from the fish, washed with water, salted with natural sea salt, dried under the sun, and sealed in melted beeswax

You're probably not willing to sacrifice the whole fish and probably not skilled enough to perform an ovarectomy safely. So maybe cure the killie roe in sausage casing? If you're really serious about this. If you succeed you could change the face of the killie hobby forever. Think about it. If killies had a commercial value as food there'll be killie roe curing factories popping up all over the place.

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