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Little white wriggly creatures in "seasoned" tank

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wondering if I should let some guppy fry loose in there to do some cleaning (it's in my adult betta barracks, nothings eating it at the moment)

I noticed the Thai have quite a bit of this activity in their tanks too... it's obviously not harmful, I just want to cash in on live food - is this infursoria?

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Just did a quick google, infusoria are smaller then that and are more of a rod shape. You can't really distinguish one infusoria from another.

These aren't harmful- lots of people have them. You could try with the guppy fry.

I don't know what it is, but I know it's not harmful :)

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Copepods, Cyclops


Size: 0.1 - 0.2 cm / 0.04 - 0.1 in

Copepods are small and funny looking one eyed crustaceans. They usually move around the tank glass and other surfaces, usually with one short leap at a time. They are completely harmless. There's are many different colored species.

Water Fleas, Daphnia


Size: 0.1 - 0.5 cm / 0.04 - 0.25 in

Water fleas are usually used as fish food. They are tiny crustaceans and are easily recognized of their jerky vertical "swimming". They are completely harmless and really interesting creatures. I call them fat, sad reindeers (well, they look like it what_is_that_bug_in_my_aquarium_clip_ima).

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Hi ness! from what ive seen of daphnia id say this is it :) same type of movement, if you want to culture them get some green water into the tank they feed on algae and micro organisms and are great for fry!

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Hey Ness

Any of your fry be it Guppie or betta will love those guys. if it is Daphne then dont let the heat get to high and split your culture regulerly as they will be pron to crashing when they have got to large. If they are copepodes then ground up leaf litter is the way to feed these guys up I have both in the glass house at the moment and even the adult fish love them but I only give them to the ones I am conditioning as I cant produce enough.



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