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R.I.P my beautiful Betta


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This morning I went to check on one of my breeding tanks which had a CRT female and a Giant PK and to my shock she had jumped out of the chimney and was hysterical (in shock I guess from the constant attacks from a Giant 4").The night before she had the biggest belly full of eggs, this morning they were all on the ground (she had dropped them all!). This male is double her size and I have never seen such rough treatment to a female before as I have with him, he would bite and half a tail would go missing and he would not let go until it came off (much like a pit bull).

I immediately separated her into a hospital tank but she soon passed away :(( ! I don't know who can take the punishment from this guy so I can try to breed him with. I have a few juvenile female giants but still too young.

So in this post I thought members can talk about loved fish that have passed in remembrance.

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I might go gently here, but can I suggest a bit more research into the introduction, courtship, and preparing them for breeding.

While some males will just be monsters despite your attempts - you can influence their behaviour with extended introductions.

We get greedy and just want spawns to work, but there's no point if your female dies and you don't get a spawn out of it.

Hopefully this is just a one off, loosing fish is expensive and sad.

(: Best you try to avoid it.


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Yes but as I said the female jumped out of chimney on her own (must have been 2+inches leap),I Only introduced them together (seperated of course) in the tank a day before this happened.

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Phew! Lucky melbournebetta decided to go "gently". *lol*

These things happen. The girls don't necessarily jump out because they're ready. Sometimes it's because they don't like being confined. Maybe some kind of lid for the chimney might be better.

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I've been keeping bettas for about two years now and I haven't lost a fish yet! But last night I found the body of my beautiful new salamander girl half eaten on the bottom of the sorority tank :( I don't know what happened to her! I had her for about a week and a half and she was fitting in fine, eating etc. She wasn't getting picked on and she was the only girl with no nips in her fins... She was super fast!

I'm really sad... I'm a bit of a sensitive soul. It sounds awful but it kind of helped that they ate her eyes and half her back because it didn't really even look like her anymore. She was all grey and stuff too :( I couldn't flush her because I kept thinking about her body rotting in the septic with everyone's poop, so I buried her outside.

I'm really devistated... She was my little star! I've been thinking about her all day.

RIP My little Harriet 'Hattie'

Edited by Steph90
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I've been keeping bettas for about two years now and I haven't lost a fish yet! But last night I found the body of my beautiful new salamander girl half eaten on the bottom of the sorority tank :( I don't know what happened to her! I had her for about a week and a half and she was fitting in fine, eating etc. She wasn't getting picked on and she was the only girl with no nips in her fins... She was super fast!

I'm really sad... I'm a bit of a sensitive soul. It sounds awful but it kind of helped that they ate her eyes and half her back because it didn't really even look like her anymore. She was all grey and stuff too :( I couldn't flush her because I kept thinking about her body rotting in the septic with everyone's poop, so I buried her outside.

I'm really devistated... She was my little star! I've been thinking about her all day.

RIP My little Harriet 'Hattie'

Yes I understand exactly how you feel, Sorry for your loss. We all have to face the pain of losing a loved fish sooner or later.

Sorry to hear of your recently departed :rip:

Thanks mate

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  • 2 weeks later...

Aw Steph, it's a bit rough... I get it.

Part of me wants to be tasteless and say keeping these dudes, you get a little bit hardened to loss, they don't have long life-spans like nawty goldfishes.

And we are working uphill keeping these tropical fish in the cold bit of Ostralia... but you've done such a great job with all your research and enthusiasm getting set up.

The other part of me just wants to say yeah, it's rough. There's always a few special fish that really steal your heart, it's hard when they go.

Chin up charlie.... I'm working on making you some more red girlies.


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Thanks Nessy, you're a good lady.

Unfortunately we all have to die sometime, including our pets. I just hoped that I didn't do anything wrong.

Next time I'm going to keep the new girl in a separate tank until they are the same size as the others. Maybe she was just too small to be in with the big girls. I didn't see her getting bullied and she had no nips but who knows what went on behind my back. Lesson learned!

I had been thinking it's only a matter of time until one of them dies. I have had my little pet shop VT for about 2 years now. At least I know now that I can deal with it when it happens.

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