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preparing for some bettas


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I've had Betta tanks without filters in them (as for filter options, sponges are my favourite). I think it's fine, you just need to be extra careful with your water quality, and keep up with the water changes.

Not saying not to keep up with them WITH a filter, just without a filter, water changes are more frequent.

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Foam dividers sound awesome! I might try that! I could stick my spray bar through the foam.

I'm in the process of dividing a tank at the moment. Made some with this synthetic plastic flywire stuff and poster hangers but I'm a bit skeptical about them (probably because I'm not the best a making them) and they have been a bit of a pain to get into the tank without falling apart.

Daily water changes are very very painful. I would just buy a cheap filter.

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Well it depends how long you want to keep them there. Those things are TINY, and I think your best bet would be getting a few small tanks, and dividing them.

I have my Bettas mostly in 20L tanks, and I find this perfect. They can also be divided in half, so 10L if I choose so. They're great for permeant homes.

Personally, I would hold off on getting more for the moment, enjoy your current beauties. Then when you can get something a little bit larger, grab a few more. Just my opinion. :)

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Most barracks are designed to keep each section with filtered, heated water. It depends on the particular model.

Normally you stick a heater into the filter section, and it pumps the heated water to the Bettas.

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It depends on the barracks. Some are individual sections completely seperated from the adjoining compartments (usually seperated by silicon holding the glass divider in place). These do not have shared water or flow that crosses each compartment therefore filtration is impossible and heating evenly through all compartments is very difficult.

Some people have used reptile heading pads or cords with success - search for reptile in general discussion or equipment/DIY forums. You might get some ideas there.

If you get one that allows water flow through each section you can try set up a heater at one end with a water pump or filter at the other - but with the filter or pump output directed back to the heater end to achieve even distribution of heat and constant flow of water. Hope I haven't confused you.

Edited by paul
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type in "betta barracks design" in google... there's plenty of ideas about barracks, and good aquariums will be able to build custom tanks for you ($)

Otherwise there are plenty of clever ways to divide one big tank (easier to heat and filter that way)



This one has that stiff embroidery mesh, I'm going to get some tomorrow methinks!

Here's a DIY thread

There is an argument that you should keep imported fish separate, and yes - they are more prone to disease as they aren't raised in our water conditions - but you can always try (I do) just do your best to get everything organized with water chemistry - this is the biggest BIGGEST thing with imported fish.

Good luck

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