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preparing for some bettas


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Hey Lachlan. I thought you were in NSW... Why are you asking about the size of someone's tanks? Surely you don't need to ship tanks in??? If you're just asking about minimum volume needed to keep a betta happy, most of us would say minimum 3 - 10 litres -depends on your setup and filtration.

If you haven't had a chance, you should sticky beak at the articles section (from the ausaqua home page) and the pinned articles in general discussion (especially the betta care sheet). Theres been a lot of effort put in by previous and current members to get that stuff together, so have a look.

In general, they need warmth and enough clean (dechlorinated) water. Food is also essential. From there on, its all about preferences. They prefer to have fairly still water - no strong currents/powerful filtration.Tthey prefer something to distract them - they are inquisitive... Plants, caves, rocks, driftwood etc. they like to be kept isolated, but benefit from visual stimulus by exposing them visually to another fish (or their reflection) each day - this "socialises" or "anti socialises" them depending on your perspective. It also is great exercise for them. They are fairly intelligent and will get to know who you are, so you can stimulate them by interacting with them too.

Have read, ask more questions. Hope we get you looking after them well.

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Yeah they should!!! They are being looked after by one of Australia's foremost experts on bettas, an avid enthusiast, IBC judge, previous breeder and probably the biggest importer of show quality betta in Oz, with an excellent and internationally respected reputation. I'd be pretty happy too if I was a fish!

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I thimk your mother would be very dissapointed that you are walking around n the cold concrete with no shoes/socks on... apart from that... Looks like a tank with some water in it... and an almost empty white box!!!

BTW.... I assume you're looking at heating for them? Really important for them (unless your house is constantly HOT)!

Also... consider dividing AND decorating - you and your fish will get more out of the experience... your fish will be happier too!

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I think those filters create a bit of flow - make sure your betta aren't fighting against the current, this can cause stress and illness.... I've modified plenty of filter outlets with aquarium foam to soften the flow... your goldfish won't mind the flow as much as the betta will.

How will you divide the tanks?

Razzi showed me some embroidery mesh that looked quite convincing and sturdy, I wouldn't mind having a play with it myself.

Looking good - do a search on DIY or divided tanks / betta barracks, lots of people have had different ideas and success rates.

Just make sure you have good water quality and that you're meeting that particular fish breed's needs.


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It might be an idea to save up your pocket money for a few more weeks and get a 2 foot tank instead of using a box? Might be a bit nicer. I dont agree with the idea of just plonking them in a box and she'll be right... Maybe you could start with just one fish and see how you go? Just a thought...

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I really like the idea of foam dividers. This has been mentioned increasingly of late, and I think should work nicely with some minor modifications.

e.g. You put a sheet of foam right down the middle of the tank you've puctured (cut to size it should slot in nicely and not need to be secured seperately). You put the heater on the left half of the tank. You have the filter on the right... But you extend the filter intake with tubing that passes through the foam barrier and on to the left half of the tank.

This causes a constant cycling of water from left to right and back to left, keeping the temperature constant and the tank filtered... No?

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As I said... Essentials are food, warmth and clean water. The rest are up to you... And the ways of achieving it are endless. Just ideas for you to consider, and may make your caring for fish easier!

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Interesting question. I have a thread in the community tank section, NPT Tank. Tank still doing well, fed only live food (lots of waste) and has LOTS of fry in it.

I DO NOT do weekly wc on this tank. Sorry, that was 30 yrs of habit. That's why I LOVE these tanks. I do a wc whenever I feel like it, maybe one or two a month. :-)

Edited by Busman
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