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It's a Snailpocalypse!


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When I had tons of baby snails like that I'd just squish them against the glass. Now when I think back on it I wonder about the ammonia spike that could have been caused by all those dead bodies. Never thought about it at the time. Maybe dislodge them with your hand but catch them in a fine net so you can remove them? I have to admit that I got a bit obsessive about removing them. They have to be a certain size before they can lay eggs I found. And eventually you only have little ones to remove. It's kinda like removing duckweed, I just sit there in a mesmerised state removing them one by one.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had clown loaches - helpful slightly, but dug up everything so counterproductive. I've had pakistani loaches - they did an AWESOME job but they grew like wildfire and 5 out of 5 of them ripped the fins of my fish when they got bored and started hunting my tetras.

DWARF CHAIN LOACHES FOR LIFE <3 :cheer: Worth paying through the nose for them, it really is.. IME.

ah crap, I read this a couple of weeks ago and I told myself to make a note of it, and then promptly forgot.

I've got two yoyos now. hmm.....

The usually well-informed and friendly person at the well-known LFS said they'd get along with my fish though... dammit.

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Today's haul...


Sick of fishing out this many every couple of days (where do they hide??? Surely they can't breed or grow that quickly.) Off to get some loaches and new plants. Sick of looking at what was once a beautiful tank sit bare and ugly!

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Hey Jarrod

That is one big hand full of snails. Did you try the traps? if yes then YoYo the GoGo but I wouldnt replant untill the YoYo have a GoGo first. I dont have that type of snail I have the flat type and my larger guppies seem to keep them under control. I love that drift wood by the way its awsome. I hope that the YoYo work, do you know what stocking rate you will need?



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Are there any plants left in the tank? If not I would take the fish out and way OD with Peroxide for a few hours, then do a large water change every few days as the snails rot. After that introduce the Yo yo's and that should keep them under control.

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Les, I was beginning to think you'd taken your ball and gone home *lol*. Not so much trap. More like blanched lettuce leaves when I get up and pulling it out in the arvo once it is covered with the buggers. It seems to have saved what's left. I plan on 3 yo yos and will take it from there.

Matt, I've got plants left. They only seemed to like attacking the stem plants. Everything else was left alone. Still got red lotus, baby green lotus, java fern and Val.

Oh, les, I have the flat type too, but they aren't the ones doing the damage. Their numbers are manageable too.

Edited by shadoh
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Those plants should be able to cope with an OD of peroxide, it's worth a try at least, when you want to restock I have a carpet of green lotus here, need a dip though, that tank is algae infested... Being torn down soon.

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Shadoh, you should set the trap overnight. These fellas are mostly nocturnal, and from what I understand bury themselves in the substrate in daylight hours. You will probably get far more numbers in the trap if you set it at night.

BTW, what's the trap look like?

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Dunno if it'll work without a trap seeing as they'll descend into the substrate again by morning.

You should be able to throw a trap together fairly easily using a plastic bottle with the top cut off and reattached so that it's inverted.

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Poop. I thought they burrowed. Oh well, they ate still mostly nocturnal though, so it may still get better results. Just squiggled a couple diagrams regarding traps... Not the best quality schematics, but they were created on my iphone while I was being driven home.




I reckon a couple rubber bands would hold the top on too.

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