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A few questions about this fish


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This fish is a surprise fish that I discovered in a tank about 2 months after the parents had moved out of it, so it wasn't fed very well for the first 2 months of its life... Is this why the eyes look too big? Will it grow into them? Can you tell if it's male or female? I think it looks kind of male... And also, does it look kind of velvety? 3 weeks ago this fish was completely blue (marble parents), so I can't tell if the silvery stuff is natural colour or something else....




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Looks to me like a little female, tidy little anal fin (is it long finned or Plakat?)

seems to have cello'd out and lost it's pigment (blue) however seems to have kept it's iridescence - which is probably the velvet you think you're seeing.

Keep an eye on it, in the next few days if you see clamped fins or listless behaviour- then treat for velvet

(do you have meds? - probably best if they're on stand-by)

How old is it?

I think you've got a nice little marble lady who's decided to go without pigment.


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Thanks :)

The parents were HMPK. I've been thinking it's female, but yesterday it just looked a bit male to me. It hasn't finished growing yet, and not sure how old it is because it was a surprise and I honestly can't remember when the parents spawned as I lost all the fry...

It's acting normal, eating well etc so it doesn't seem sick at the moment.

Thanks :)

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Well good luck with it, you could still end up with a boy - there isn't a prominent egg spot, and each time I look at the pics I change which sex I think it is.

The buggy eye effect is probably just more noticeable as it's lost pigment behind the eye so it's not dark (I always think those eyes with visible pupils are always a bit kooky)

s'nice fish.


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Yep. Female. If you shine a light on her from behind, you should be able to see her ovaries. The ovaries are a roughly triangular mass behind the dark mass of the intestines. It will only show up inside female bettas.

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