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Sydney grooming competition


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My guys are going awesome, they recognise me as the food lady too, haha ^_^ No losses, so still have all five, I think I've got three turquoise and two look like they might be royal blues, there's a little bit of red wash on a couple of them too by the looks of things... however saying that, I'm going by what they look like when I shine a torch at them, as the smallest has nearly no colour yet and one of the bigger ones seems paler than the others. I was also wondering about the crowntail thing, I had a good look at the biggest of the five today and thought that its tail seemed to be getting a little spiky :P

The frogbit however seems to have gone splat, I'm not sure what happened there, but I've put the last few bits that still looked like they were hanging on into Travis's community tank and they seem to have perked up a bit.... the babies don't seem to mind having no plant stuff in there at any rate.

Mine have all grown a fair bit too, though there's one that's literally half the size of the others, and because I look at them everyday it's a little harder for me to see how they're growing but Trav looked at them today and said they're all a lot bigger so I guess I must be doing something right :P I'll ask him to take some photos with his macro setting on his DSLR, I won't post them but will keep them for the end. As of this afternoon the smallest and the biggest of the five are in their own jars, I want to feed them separately so that the little one gets his fair share of dinner and so the biggest one stops stealing everyone else's food. As well as the BBS, for the past couple of days I've tried them on pellets crushed basically to powder and they seem keen on that too, they spot it as it sinks and then spend the next little while picking it all up from the bottom of the tank :D I also spent ages one afternoon sifting out the smallest blackworms I could out of the tub I've got, and the few I thought were small enough were nommed in the blink of an eye, lol.

And at the very least, this is making me a bit more hopeful that I might not fail completely at raising the fry when I finally get my boy to spawn with one of the girlies I bought, if he ever gets the point and starts looking interested in breeding as opposed to just wanting to beat the girlies up >_>

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I seem to have lost all my small ones. I saw at least one getting snacked on and didn't find any corpses.. Not sure what happened there. Seem to have about 4 left, but they're getting bigger slowly. I think they're all royal blue. Getting fed on the woolies brand betta crumbly pellety stuff (they love it - raised and fattened many a bettas on this stuff) and BBS. My focus has been on other tanks lately though so they only just got their first water change the other day.

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This is the first 1 I lost. Changed tanks with it and it went down hill from there. Like Yan , mine are growing slowly but enjoying them. No records being set here but fun all the same :unsure:

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Just came in here going "Sydney's having a grooming comp! Yee!"

Yeah, better feed my fish... I've been sick, forgetting a lot of things, horrible memory at the moment! Whoops. eek.gif

Anyway, my three are still growing steadily, and I fed them dry food for the first time yesterday (so just haven't been fed today), before that they've had purely live food, but one of my BSS hatcheries didn't hatch properly so need to wait for the other one, also the grindals crashed and filled with maggots (As Bear Grylls would say "they have SO much protein!).

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Not a chance for showing. :( Based on everyone's feedback I think we're still only at the biggest, approx 2-2.5cm. I suppose we could still bring them along for a progress idea and perhaps information/raising technique info sharing, however I'll most likely be having my 21st celebrations around that date and if that's the case, I have trail riding and then drunken wii gaming night to attend. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if I posted on this, but two of mine died when I moved them to the fish room (and the other two died in the bag on the way home). So left with one.

Showed my little one a mirror for the first time today... Baby's first flare! wub.gif

So adorable, and I'm quite proud! cheer.gif

Nice vertical barring popping up the second she saw her reflection, and I can see a little ovipositor peeking though. DID think it was a male before though, as this was the largest with the most finnage... but as I look closer, the fins have grown, but not really that much in length anymore... very 'female' like.

She's very aggressive, too!

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  • 2 weeks later...

My female has had a growth spurt overnight!

She's basically full grown now! biggrin.gif

I'll have to try for some photos sometime.. I never got around to getting any decent ones when she was smaller. :(

This was taken 2-3wks ago, horrible quality - and she's much bigger now.


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That photo basically looks like most of mine right now. I have a runt or two, though. The dominant one is probably a bit bigger than the one pictured.

I'm now doubting they're crowntails at all. I think they're just VTs! All of mine are always barred up, flaring at each other, etc. I'm beginning to hoard bottles so I can jar them soon.

My dominant one looks like a cute little female, all blue body and fins but bright red ventrals. Adorable!

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Yeah, same.

Mine looked like CT's after I first got them, but after giving mine a good look over today, I think she's a combtail, has some slight ray extensions. Oh well!

Getting more and more attached, doubting whether my sister will get her or not, if I can educate her probably - I will... as long as she is ok with a female. (for those who don't know, my sister's DREAM betta is blue with red wash VT, over all imports/everything - she wanted me to breed them so I could give her ONE, but said unless she takes the whole spawn it's a no-go, so was going to give her this one.)

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If you have a male, I'm sure she'll love it. I remember her specially wanting a blue male VT, with red wash.

Thankfully this is the sister that is easily educated, not the other one. The other one is ALWAYS right.. (no chance she'll ever be caught on a fish forum so shh)

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  • 2 weeks later...

But you would all have different water chemistry. I thought when this happened it was put down to temp or water quality. This spawn has been split, there would have to be a degree or two in temp and water would have to be different for all of you.....

So that would blow that theory. So confused, so many questions if this is the case.

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Doesn't really blow the theory out of the water as they hatched and started their development in the same water/chemistry. At a certain point the development of a fry is set. You just can't divide a spawn at 7 weeks old, change the water chemistry in each to get a 50/50 split of males and females. It it were possible, it would be a technique used by breeders the world over.

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So your saying that the fishes sex is already decided 7 weeks. Hhhmmmm........7 weeks is fairly old. Guess you could be right.

Also, not talking 50/50 split, we are talking 100% girls. I am sure we came to the conclusion last time that for this to happen, it would most likely be environmental.

Taking into account such things as late sprouters, I would still be amazed if all fishes sex (including runts) was decided by 7 weeks.

Just my thoughts.

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I Did have an all female spawn, and still have a couple girls floating around from then. Dont know why they happen, but I had read some scientific articles which investigated sex chromosomes on betta splendens.

Scientists are able to destroy the ovaries of young female fish, and somehow these females become males with functional testes... But.... When these transgender males spawn with a "normal" female, all the fry turn out female. This test proved to the scientists that betta splendens have sex determining chromosomes X and Y just like humans... Females are XX, males are XY.

As to why you end up with female only spawns in the real world???... Could be sex related genetic conditions??? Could be that the sire of the spawn was a naturally occurring transgender fish??? Could be environmental conditions that kill any sperm that might carry a Y chromosome??? Don't know!!!

It doesn't seem to be all that rare an occurrence. I wonder if someone out there has figured out how to make female betta turn into male betta by adding something to the water???? This would be more profitable for big breeding farms as the male's fetch a better price.

*Conspiracy theorist in the making!!!*

Edit- Bussy, the sex is determined the instant the sperm fuses with the egg - by the XY or XX sex chromosomes. Fish are weird though and some species change sex as part of their normal life cycle. Most are either male or female for their entire life.

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Didn't know that flatties do it, but I did know that Barra do. The Barra are all male then become female as they get old or big enough. Makes a lot of sense to put size limits on fishing catches from this point of view. If they were caught smaller, there would be no females to make the next generation of fish.

Edit- anyone ever hear of an all male betta spawn??? I know Betty splendens refers to it being possible, just haven't witnessed one, or heard of one.

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