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My CTs are spawning!


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Thanks guys...

@Paul, yes - Spawn #3, although the fry from spawn #2 weren't very strong and died. Got the parents conditioning as I type this and might try them again next weekend. The girl does have yellow ventrals, so I am hoping the male is related and I'll get some yellow in the fry. If not, it will show from an F1 pairing.

Here is a video of them wrapping. It's a little blurry from the Banana leaf tea, but you can see what's hapenning - they've destroyed the nest during the process, the male is lazy and makes the female collect the eggs. As you can see, she is producing a lot!!!


Edited by shadoh
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OK, they have finished spawning. The male is hiding in the back corner amongst the hornwort and the female is hovering under the nest with the eggs.

Should I leave her in there?

Why can't I have a normal spawn anymore?

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Sounds like the female has chosen her role in this one.... or perhaps it's the male attempting to be all manager like and allocate his duties to someone else?

I'd be tempted to leave her there for the time being, and observe. Hopefully he'll figure out where he's supposed to be an shoo her away. If not, the eggs can be looked after by mum.... I've read that this can occur.

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I have pretty much decided to leave her in there for the time being. I don't usually go to bed until well after midnight, so will keep a close eye on her and make a decision before I turn in for the night :)

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Seems she had a bit of a snack while my back was turned. Half of the eggs are gone and she is looking very well fed. Removed female and the male instantly went over to the cup and started repairing the nest and moving any loose eggs floating on surface of the water back into the nest. I expect to see tails by either tomorrow night or Tuesday morning. Keeping everything crossed for a successful spawn :D

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Sounds like he's blown the paternal instinct fuse (actually more like he never actually had it installed). Might be safest to lower the water level and leave the eggs to sort themselves out. They are far enough along to hatch without intervention, and to get from wrigglers to free swimming. Good luck.

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Hey Jarrod at least the eggs are still there so that is some salvation for the situation. Did you get any spare girls to put him to in the mean time? or will you wait for her to ripen CT Girls dont seem to take long to come back to a conditioned stage

Good luck with the eggs



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