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Instant Baby Brine Shrimp


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I was just browsing through Age of Aquariums and came across this http://www.aquariumproducts.com.au/catalogue_products.php?prodID=5176

has anyone seen this before? (: i think it would be quite handy for those who have trouble hatching BBS or dont have the time or space to.

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I tried it for one of my spawns, but they weren't interested in any of it. I guess if you were to throw in some similar sized guppy fry, the bettas would soon learn it was food. The other thing is that it works out cheaper to hatch your own BBS...

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Funny that so many people have trouble hatching bs. Only time I did was a crap batch of eggs. Got a tin off someone and do nothing with them and have no problems.

As for price, well Jarrod and I went halves in a $50 tin and I wouldn't have used a third in twelve months. I still hatch some now when I have no fry just to treat my community tank. My tetras are so spoilt, live blackworms, live bs, frozen bloodworms. Crazy really. :-)

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I don't have trouble hatching them. It's just that they're a pain in the backside to hatch as well as to harvest. Coz i can't just tip the whole thing in the tank and there's egg shells floating on top that I have to find a way to get rid of or else it foul the water when decompose.

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I don't see this working in the outset.

If you want it to work it has to be used in addition to live bbs.

Personally speaking I use 20% Live BBS and the rest I use the Golden Pearl Food.

As it's all suspended in the water column I noticed that the fry will chomp both off with no issues.

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