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first killifish log


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I agree with Bettarazzi..since i sold these eggs to you i had to rename it to A. Gardneri (Aquarium Strain) That is because the Jos Plateau strain has been too intermixed in Australia that there is no Jos Plateau A. Gadneri left in Australia.

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  • 3 weeks later...

update. they're growing reallly slowly. must have skipped a few w/cs long the way. averaging around 2-2.5 cm right now, biggest 3 are 3cm+. cute little critters... and always very eager to eat. can only spot 2/3 females though. total 12 fish



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thanks. there are lotsa males XD i don't mind since i was a little worried about them turning out to be all female. there's 2 definite females and around 4 small fry that haven't really coloured up yet, so there's still a little hope. and i know a LFS with tons of females, so i'll be fine.

any tips on picking breeders?

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Hey MT

Great pics and they are growing well for you. good to see you will have some females for all them boys, I find my Killies get full of eggs when I give them extra black worms. But I would put my bigest and best into a breeding programe the ones that conform best to how they should look. I would be intrested to hear what Serkan sudjests as I have only been given breeding pairs. and havent had to pick yet.



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  • 5 weeks later...

:( found my first carpet surfer today. it was one of the nice big ones :((

slightly mushy to touch when i found him so hopefully he heals up okay.

he had lots of gunk from my carpet stuck to him though.

the hole in my gladwrap was tiny! *shakes head*

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either someone else has jumped into the breeder net and he's jumped out or he's looking more or less fine now

... not sure which...

and davo sold them to me as a Jos Plateau/Nsukka mix, that's why i haven't changed the title yet.

these guys are aquarium strain, because there's no strain of actual Jos Plateau in aus i believe

titled fixed now ;)

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Hey MT

Good to hear he is OK. I have put glass on my tank as the gladwrap wont re-stick to well. I seem to have the other side of your Gender balance more girls that boys at the moment and that goes for my Betta as well, it must be the water.

Are you planning on trying any other Killies yet?



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@ Serkan: how can i tell? are there any defining traits i should be seeing? i ask because the further in i stumble into the world of killifish, the more confused i get as they all look very similar to me. @_@ pointers? thanks

@les: when i spawned my bettas a year ago, all that survived were girls XD and yes! killifish are absolutely gorgeous... on par with bettas and they are so much easier to take care of! i can put them in groups! and they don't bite their own tails! though, i may just decide to venture into wild bettas XD need more tanks first though! (i always need more tanks and heaters)

also in these photos the killis seem to have dropped the lovely blue sheen that they normally have ontop... is that normal? (because of the stress of being plunked in the photography container?)

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  • 4 weeks later...

finally got these guys out of the tub and into their new home. makes staring at them alot easier - and better colours too ^_^ around 11 or 12 in total with about 3 females




full tank shot, excuse the cloudiness, i have yet to figure out what it is. hopefully it will settle down soon

Edited by MT Syndrome
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@ Serkan: how can i tell? are there any defining traits i should be seeing? i ask because the further in i stumble into the world of killifish, the more confused i get as they all look very similar to me. @_@ pointers? thanks

Sorry I missed that. The gardneri group males usually do not have a border on their anal fin.

Great photos :cheer:

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Hey MT

Great tanks shots and the Killie have coulerd up great. Now you will have to venture in to spawning it realy is the next step and gardneri are realy easy. Serkan has a thred for making the mops and I think I did one as well a while back. Good luck MT



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thanks guys :D

haven't really been able to check if they were spawning while in the tub, but i doubt they were as there wasn't much in the tub.

I'm debating whether to leave a mop in the main tank and leave the fry to fend for themselves when the tank grows in a bit more

or to take the best pair and spawn them separately - which i won't do until summer comes though.

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I would say they will start spawning in the tank anyway as that is what they are geneticly wired to do. I would say that as the tank fills in more of the fry will survive. I see you have moss and the fry love that I have Ric as a floating plant and Java Moss as the bottom plant in my Killi grow out Tanks. I hope you get some fry grow on, good luck



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thanks les :D i can't seem to get riccia to propagate, but ive got frogbit beginning to spread after being in a tank with no light

hopefully fry will emerge when the tank fills in though i'm having issues with the blyxa as the killis seem to knock it out of the substrate before it can take root @_@

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