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Multiple Spawn Grow-Out... experimental tank (Verdict = FAIL) good thread but.


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I am going to try thick sponge next time and rig up a filter through it at end of tank...

This is what I did for my spawn tank, I bought 3 large 2and1/2 cm thick sponges for like 30 bucks on ebay. If you have seen my quick vid then you may have seen it. I have a power head which sucks the water through the dividing sponge and spits the clean water out via a hose over to the other side (with fry). Works very well...

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  • 3 months later...

Soooooo Remember this project?

I was eyeballing the big tank this morning on my one day off - thinking, I have fifty things to do on my one day off - maybe I could transform this tank again to house my 4 spawns at the moment

What a great idea.

I was going to be a good DIY nessy photographer, and kept thinking of funny things I could say, but at the end of the day, it's going to be night.

And I didn't

Anyway - here's the shots

$50 of filter foam from Clarks rubber, the tank still had the poster edges (on the bottom and the back) so i cut little splits along the edges and sort of wedged the foam in.

For the front I've used random suction caps to hold the foam in place - somebody say SLAP DASH PRODUCTION?

Why yes, yes it is.


Here's the final shot, I've got 2 x 10 watt heaters set at 32 and producing 28 degrees tank, filter foam, seasoned sponge filters in each compartment, plants n stuff.

I made some daggy javamoss carpet squares with some plastic I had lying around... and used the middle one to hold the bowing foam out.

It's architectural.. man.

From the left:


I'll be surprised if these guys live - but they're the salamander spawn I just had - a few weeks old... they're tiny... but they were the reason I've done this... I want them in a stable environment before I leave them for 7 days.

I'll have someone feeding them BBS every second day(ish) but they were previously in 6 lts, now they have about 60.

In the middle:


There's about 5 of these guys - from my HM x Giant spawn - they're pretty big, I'll be jarring them when I get back from away holidaaaaay


This is the only one I was able to sex - oh, you can see the freshwater seaweed carpet I've bound - will this even work?

On the right, are my few week old Spiderman spawn and dragon spawn (they were a few days apart) they're growing out nicely (about 4 weeks)


Already on adult brine and grindals soon


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  • 5 months later...

I'm going to be a a pain and bump an old thread but THIS IS GREAT!!! I was randomly browsing and came across this idea.

I'm thinking of doing something similar with a 3 foot tank. Maybe have 2-3 spawns depending on their size PLUS it can be resized because its held in place with suction cups GENIUS!

I never knew clark rubber had filter foam!

How did it end up working out in the end? Is it still in use or have you/anyone come up with a new and improved version?

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Hey BB,

Honestly, I tore the tank down around 3 months later and gave fighters up for a moment or three after this - and unfortunately got rid of the blue dividers, but I will say that they were stable and quite useful.

If you could work out some sort of re-inforcement so they were more structurally straight (like some rods or something through the middle so they stay straight and don't sag) it would have been a thousand times better.

I loved the idea that the Blue bizzo actually cultivates good bacteria and constantly has flow through it... young fry may get caught? I only had 3 week old dudes in there that were ok.

It's not pretty but it's VERY practical.

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yeh i got my fish safe silicone at bunnings i think it was yeh $8-$10 for a tube, my issue is Baby brain mixed with house move and at least 6 different ets of handds i can no longer find said tube or chalking gun >.<

Ness whats the mess you used? im currently using a craft mesh but its not very tall. And i get the display folders that the spin swings off piviot at top, i pull it off and find the mesh slides into it very easily, being white its hard to see through and if needed i use the plastic off the folder to card them (slid inbeside the mesh)

havent had any issues with water parm's going crazy and 2 fish have lived this way quite happily for several months (in 20 litre tanks, filtered and heaters)

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  • 1 month later...

Brenton (and others), you might like to think about going the whole hog and using rigid open cell foam for the dividers and making the whole thing work as a Hamburg-Matten filter. There is a source of the high quality Poret fom in NZ (http://www.poret-aquarium-filter.co.nz/). The freight is quite reasonable in my experience and it works brilliantly as a filter and tank divider.

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