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confused and annoyed at new CO2 diffuser


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i've recently gotten my dad to buy me a cheap-ish glass c02 diffuser and i hooked it up to my DIY yeast

last night. today, when i came home from school, there was water all the way up the tubing, but stopped just at my flow adjuster thingy (drip tap?)

at first, i thought it was just a matter of my DIY Co2 producing enough pressure, but then I hooked the glass diffuser up to an air pump and STILL NOTHING.

this makes me think i've done something wrong in setting up, because I've definitely heard accounts of DIY Co2 working with glass diffusers... and there's no way a DIY system makes more pressure than an air pump! right?

is the diffuser meant to fill with water?

what on earth is wrong? D:

on a side note, I normally hook my Co2 up to my filter air intake.

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You should have a non return valve to stop the water from syphoning back to far

I would think the co2 would produce more pressure than an air pump if the gas is is not leaking somewhere air pump are not made for pressure?

check all your connections and you may need to experiment with your mix a little

when the co2 is pumping enough it will keep most of the water out but as pressure drops it may syphon back into your bottle depending on your setup


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I was just about to post the EXACT SAME THING!! I got a cheapo glass diffuser of ebay. I thought, why isn't this working. So i connect to an air pump and still NOTHING. Then i unplugged the diffuser and all this air came out from the pressure.

I tried to blow through it with my mouth, still nothing either.....have we got shonky diffusers or are we doing something wrong??

Edited by Ken-f
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see if the using a syringe will produce any bubbles...

I have a cheap diffuser from ebay and the diffuser didn't work at the beginning coz I was stingy with the yeast... I didn't want a large amount of CO2 at once so I added only a little bit of yeast. Now I go with the recipe and it works perfectly.

But I did a blockage when my co2 was low. A layer of algae has grown on my diffuser and blocked the co2, I simply used my fingers to rub it a little and it was fine again.

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thanks Hai, I must be doing something wrong then, maybe I am being stingy with the yeast as Joan says :lol:

I've hooked it back up to the filter intake now, because I can't be bothered fiddling with it again till after exams >_>

I don't have a check valve, but from what happened, I think that my drip valve acted like one and kept the water from going

all the way into the yeast bottle. I think I'll experiment with my mix a little more... for people with DIY + glass diffuser, what are your mixes like?

thanks for the help guys, I don't have a syringe so I check that way... I'll check for leaks though.

and does anyone know if there's a difference between normal tubing and Co2 resistant tubing?

@ken-f: you definitely shouldn't be able to blow through it

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