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What's in Shadoh's spawn tank


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To be honest, I think I have lost my confidence in reading when the female is ready. In this case, both females were showing bars and "looked" close enough to be let out. I think I just rushed it. The little voices in my head were telling me that I should wait another 24 hours, (but we had just argued about whether we were going to run down the road naked in the rain under the full moon, so we weren't listening to what one another were saying...) I let both females out after 12 hours. Both males were ready and had HUGE.......nests. The DT female hid in the java fern (that's technical speak for weed, Busman) and watched the male who would try and entice her over and then go back to the nest to nurse his wounded pride. In the end, he lost the plot sometime last night and beat the living daylights out of her. She now looks like Rhianna after going a couple of rounds with Chris Brown. In the other spawn tank, the female seemed more ready and was constantly swimming over to the nest and scoping out the scene. She would circle around with the male under the nest, then dart off at the last second. I figured that things weren't too far off, The male was gentle and not attacking. The female would eventually let him into her sweet embrace and things would progress normally, right? Wrong. After a day and a halsf of this, the female started getting nasty. A nip here, one of my boys beautiful HM fins torn there, but still he persisted. I figured she just liked it a little rough. I got up this morning to find the female under the nest and the male a shredded quivering mess hiding behind a large Java Fern leaf (that's more weed Busman *lol* )

@ Kertaz - Yes, that's the same fish. He's had more costume changes than a Lady Gaga concert :)

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have you tried floating the female in a container that is just level with the surface of the tank water? This is what I do and I find that the female usually jumps into the main tank when she's ready. Sorry to hear the spawns didn't work out for you :(

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Nudie runs in the rain on a full moon, slaughtering of goats.... No wonder you've got a gypsy curse over your fish room..... :blink:

Don't know that the girl jumping out of her container will guarantee a successful spawn, as she may jump to "escape" his advances, but I like the concept.

PS if you run naked down the street with a full moon... how many moons is that???

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Hey, the voices tell me that will lift the curse. My argument is that a second full moon will play havoc with the tides and throw out the spawning instincts of not only bettas, but anyone/thing that bears witness to it *lol*

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I have a goat! but I am not to sure of the nude run, well not since the nude bicycle accident. any way thats another story for another forum but needless to say no damage was done to the spokes only me.



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Might be obvious, but.. if you put a couple of holes in the container, put the container inside the spawn tank, it'll float, just on the even level with water surface. With this, the female doesn't need to re-acclimatise when she jumped out.

As long as its not the other way around (male jumped in), it should be ok. :)

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PS if you run naked down the street with a full moon... how many moons is that???


I don't know if this will be of any help to you, but it seems to somewhat work for me...

I just put the male and female together...if there is minimal/no damage, I just leave them together until I catch them spawn.

My stats on this method so far are:

3 different pairs

1st pair spawned but the male ate the eggs - spawned 3 days after being put together

2nd spawn I got fry (4 of them left though) - spawned 3 or so weeks after being put together

3rd pair tried to spawn, but I think it was the males first time and didn't do it properly and therefore ate the unfertilised eggs - spawned 1 day after being out together

Worth a shot I guess...if you want to take the risk hehe

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, it has been close to a month since my last attempts, so I guess it is time to start again. Got a couple of boys blowing bubbles, so think I might give them a go.

Think I'll try -

Dumbo Salamander HM male(Tail biter extraordinaire) x Green Dragon HMPK female


Black Dragon HMPK male x Black Orchid CT female


Silver/Yellow Marble Dragon VT male x Green Dragon HMPK female


Yellow Marble HMPK male x Black Orchid CT female

I could go on and on with possible combinations, but have decided on these for now :) I want a long finned spawn for a change. I miss watching my boys sprouting :(

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As she is HMPK, 1st gen will all be long fin with the normal ratio of HMs, SDs etc that you would get in a HM spawn. All would carry the short fin gene. If I then bred siblings, I would get 50% long finned that carried short fin, 25% pure long finned and 25% pure short finned.

2 goals here -

1. To establish the dominance of the big ears gene

2. Hopefully develop 1 line of HM big ears and 1 link of HMPK big ears. If I can keep the salamander colouring, all the better :D

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Progress report - not a lot happening in the black dragon hmpk x black orchid ct tank, so will see what tomorrow brings.

Looks like the salamander hm dumbo x opaque hmpk are close to wrapping. I've been watching them for an hour or so. Big nest, female as keen as mustard to do the deed. With a couple of spawns under her belt, I think she has been trying to show dumbo what to do. She keeps approaching the nest and sidling up to the male. He is too busy wriggling and dancing and clumsily knocks her away. One instance, the female tried to flip herself upside down and wrap dumbo herself. Surely he will get the message sooner or later.

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