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New to shrimps


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Hi guys, I've never tried to keep and breed shrimps before so I'm really lost on wich equipment should I use or wich I shouldn't.

I've seen a beautiful 25L cube tank (Aqua World sr3035) but I don't know if choose a sponge filter like this:


Or an hanging one (elite, aquaclear...):


If u have any other ideas I'd love to read it please :)

Any DIY idea for the ilumination? I want a planted aquarium so better a T5 than a LED one right? I went to a petshop and the smallest one was $89....



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For my past shrimp tank, I use the hang-on-back filter. (Similar to your 2nd pic)

But I modified the inlet. Instead of using the inlet that came with it, I cut a X on a sponge block (which is used for canister filter) and fit it as the inlet. It'll provide an additional filtration, an additional grounds for beneficial bacteria and prevent the shrimps from getting into the filter.

For illumination, I just use a T8 tube, and the plants grow quite well.

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I'd choose a sponge filter over anything else, if starting from scratch. Zero risk of injury to your shrimplets, and the sponge itself doubles as a buffet table.

Most other filters can be modified to be shrimp suitable however, the important thing is just to pre-filter or buffer your intakes to prevent shrimplets being sucked in.

Can try www.guppysaquariumproducts.com.au for lighting also.

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Hi Joan, thanks for the link, this light looks good. The small T5 I was talking before is the same you are using on your tank now (I saw it on your topic) and I think is the one I need if I want to grow the small "carpet plants", right?

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