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Tank Stocking Ideas Please!


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demonsoni (spelling?)

The correct spelling is demasoni but they are quite aggressive little demons so you're correct in a way Matt :) At least a dozen in a group or they will wipe each other out in some cases - had mine for 2 years before they started getting agro and picking each other off....

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I am going through same dilemma. Would like a small, peaceful chilid that looks nice and raises their own fry. Only have a three footer so limited in what I can do. Just a bit bored with my community tank. Have had cichlids before but never successfully bred. Only a kid then.

Ps......my gravel raises my ph. Sick of fighting it. Had no luck with rams.

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Sorry, I deleted my post as the thread was moving so fast I knew it didn't make sense. Was interested in the shellies and maybe something above as well. I also have a soft spot for catfish, so it will have my pleco, bristlenose and whiptails.

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Certainly not trying to step on anybody's toes since I can admit I am far from a cichlid expert (second least favourite fish type.. right behind freako deformed goldfish lmao) but we do not even come close to following the gender ratio rules in our cichlid display at work and never have.. It is a massive tank though so perhaps that overrules the gender ratio dealio? Again, backing out of the convo now, lol.

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I believe you Yan. My father had 8 X 3 X 3 that was soooo over stocked it wasn't funny. Two huge canister filters ect. His red devils bred, frontosia, parrots, the list goes on. Many didn't believe him but I grew up in the house. He had so many fish that were over bought over twenty years ago. I think he broke almost every rule in the book. Not many fry ever grew up though. Lol.

Are the above list of fish Wayne suggested readily available and what price? Love the gold Shellie.

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Aquarium Industries had Gold occies on their list last week.... I think they were about $20 each wholesale.... get a pair and you'll have plenty of them before too long.... There are breeders in Brisbane though I'm sure.... again the Auctions down there might scare a few up or maybe someone has some? Start collecting snail shells for them if you're going to have shellies - see if your LFS has any empty snail shells or if your local French restaurant has any snail shells they don't need - occies only go to about 2" in size so a good size mystery snail shell will do them easily.....

The good thing about the shellies is that they are Tanganyikan and usually like a pH of about 8.5 so your substrate buffering the pH upwards won't be a problem Paul.

LOL about the dog face puffer.... saw one at the LFS the other week.... laying on the gravel with its tail curled round to the side just like a little puppy going to sleep.... it does have some mighty sharp choppers though so no fingers in the tank like i did with the patoti fry today!

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Talking about the Shellies, Busman? I can't speak for other shops but the Ocellatus and Neo. Multifasciatus should be regularly avaliable and reasonably priced. I think we have them both at around $20 a pair but I am a bit fuzzy on the details as I don't sell many and I'm sick. I can't even remember the actual size of our cichlid display.. Just that it's 10ft long.. and big. We had Fronnys, peacocks, brichardi, electric yellows, mainganos, ornatus.. We had a bit of everything, really. We sold off the old fish and started again recently though and again there's just a big mixture. A bit o this and a bit o that.

Also, Ness...


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Paul, someone sells multi's. I can ask around on a few different forums I'm on for gold ocies if you want to. In a 3 foot tank I think you could have a pair of rock dwelling tanks like julli's or maybe calvus :drool:

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Woah. Lotsa info here!

Great, I really better do research now..

(remembering I got up like 2secs ago.. not sure if I'll make sense, sorry if not).

So, should I go for an all male tank, either with one species or a mixture - just males though.


Hmmm you could probably do 6 electric yellows and a trio of peacocks.


I need to research them though, but sounds good! So with that idea, would they breed and raise their own fry, or need to be separated into different tanks (preferably not)?

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You have got me thinking now Sarah. It's all your fault. I blame you.

Not sure that the shellies will handle my pleco and peppermint. Too big a size difference. Was looking at Bricardi (spelling?) this morning. Always liked these guys as they look so delicate. Found a breeding pair.

If I got rid of my pleco, would the Bricardi go with the shellies???

So many options but so limited as only 3ft tank. Can't win. Lol.

Edited by Busman
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Paul... re the brichardi..... read "serial killer" into that name...... they will tolerate their own young most of the time but anyone else... consider them dead or picked on seriously.....

shellies would hold their own with a catfish.... they are very protective of their shells..... I've seen my hecqui pick up a mystery snail about 3cm across and cart it over to the other side of a tank because it was near their shell entrance.... and the way they throw themselves at the glass when the fish next door peek in is ferocious enough to tell a pleco to get away if they wanted....

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Thanks Wayne. After talking it over with my wife, she has.....Sorry, I have decided I like my community tank as is. Lol. Do you think now is the time to tell her I bought ANOTHER Aqua One barracks today..........hhhhmmmmm maybe not. ROFL

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LOL.... snookered again! If you still want shellies you can have a small colony in as small as a 2ft tank really.... if you're going to be shot for the barracks you may as well be shot for the shellies and another tank too :)

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