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I've been fishkeeping for about 2-3 years. Not so long, but I've learned quite a bit from those years. Managed to spawn a couple of fishes, but not including Betta =/

I've always wanted to breed Betta, but mainly due to lack of spaces, as I live in an apartment (especially if hundreds of fry came out), I am unable to do so.

While we're at it, I am just wondering, how do people deal with the large number of fry?

I've only kept Crown Tail and Veil Tail Betta before, but have stopped due to both space constraints and unable to find a nice Betta around my location. I've only found VT, CT and short tail in my LFS so far. Most favorite finnage so far is Double Tail and HalfMoon. They're awesome.

At the moment I am keeping Cherry Shrimps, some corydoras (pygmaeus, julii, sterbai) and 2 Angelfishes. The shrimp tank is overgrown with Amazon Frogbits, so if anyone would like some, I'm happy to share.

Initially found this site when I was looking for a Betta breeder around Melbourne, then referred by Bettarazi to join in the forum!

Nice meeting you all!


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welcome to the forums Felix!

Bettarazzi was right in directing you to this forum :D If our 'gene pool'

section is an indication, we certainly have a lot of fantastic breeders

around. One of which is Bettarazzi himself (you seriously need to check

out his spawn logs! absolutely gorgeous fish :drool: )

but anyways, welcome and don't forget to take pictures! here at

ausaqua, we love our pictures


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Hey Felix - welcome to the forum.

Great to see more Melbourne members, we've got quite the thriving betta community!

...I started breeding HM's due to the lack of quality betta at the LFS's - let along HM's... although they often have decent CT's around - what stores have you been to?

Personally my spawns haven't been too big - well, the successful ones haven't been big (eek! lesson learnt)

200 might hatch, but you CAN choose how many you keep. <insert moral dilemma here.>

Currently I have a batch of 25 that are about to be jarred separately - this takes quite a bit of time and dedication, water changes daily/every second day and feeding twice a day!

But have a look through people's spawn logs- it's a blow-by-blow account of how different breeders use different techniques to get the job done.

(: Lots of spawns growing out at the moment in Victoria, so if you're in the market, keep eyes peeled on the classifieds or PM members.

All the best with the fishkeeping!


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I saw a couple of Bettarazzi spawn logs on his blog before I came here.

Ness - Yeah, I wasn't thinking about culling fry.. But if it has to be done, I guess I'll brace myself :blink:

I've been only to a couple aquarium shops around Melbourne. Upmarket Aquarium (near Vic mart), Coburg Aquarium (Coburg) and Subscape Aquarium (Richmond). Found a couple more (China Town Aquarium and Boronia Aquarium), but haven't been able to visit them. Mainly because Boronia Aquarium is pretty far away from where I live. Sometimes they do have decent CT around, but most of the time, all they stock are VTs.

MT Syndrome - I have been having trouble with taking pictures! Fish keep running out of sight and it is hard to take a clear picture. My crappy photography skills aren't helping either. Sometimes I wonder how people can get crystal clear picture. Maybe they put the camera underwater..? :lol:

Thanks for the welcome all! Hope to be part of the community soon enough. :D


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Chinatown Aquarium is sadly no more. I used to get some good discounts there. Probably why they went out of business. *lol* And yes, Boronia Aquarium is FAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRR. Halfway to Tasmania as the crow flies. *lol* Other good ones are St Kilda Aquarium (now known as Aqueus).

@Spanger -- who's "they"? I think you're definitely part of 'the mob' now. :P

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Spanger is in, she's an honorary Victorian.

Felix - there's also "New Life" aquarium on Victoria St near Subscape - but subscape are pretty good, I've seen some top top quality CT there.

Anyhoo, there's enough stock around to buy cheaper from breeders.... (is it time yet 'Razzi, can I tell him about the club?)

We have a super secret club with secret handshakes and everything! even has a website and meets and and...


There's no scary initiations or anything, just, if it's your first time at fight club, you have to fight.......

Oh wait, wrong club.


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Thanks for the site, Ness! I checked it out, and I missed the first event by about a week it seems! And the next one in September! :blink:

Thanks for the welcome, FlameDragon!

I am having too much time at the moment, as I only work casually, so I should have enough time to breed and water changes. Trying to find full time one so I can fuel this fishy hobby though!

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There's also a fun Fish Fair on in July - 17th I think - but check the ASV website (link in my signature)

Anyhoo - should be fun - the VictoriaBetta kids will be there - some fishus on sale, some things to think about - lots of other tables with sales too - so keep a tight grip on your wallet!

Come'n introduce yourself, we'll be the one or two tables that are laughing way too much, and having TOO MUCH OF A GOOD TIME.

(we show 'em how it's done)

See you there!


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I'm really hoping I can attend at that date! I read about the fish fair on the newsletter that ASoV sent out, and I hope I can take a day off work that day. (I work on Sat and Sun at the moment, hopefully circumstances changed by then <_< )

Anyway, we'll see when it's closer to the date! Thanks for the info!

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