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Hi, I am new. I currently only have two goldfish which live outside in a fish pond. I would like to start up an aquarium so am doing a lot of research. Love bettas, loaches and catfish, but like the look of something else everytime i got to a pet store so who knows what I'll end up with.


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Hey dragoncat, welcome aboard and great to see that you're sensible enough to do the research before buying the fish (unlike me...). Lots of good info in the resources page and the library section of the general discussion forum.

If so many fish peak your interest, you may soon find yourself the victim of what most of us on this forum suffer from... Multiple Tank Syndrome. It's OK, it's a painless condition... Sort of!!!

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Thanks for the welcome! I will check out those pages.

Yeah..I am pretty sure I have a problem...first I thought it might be nice to get a betta...then I saw the variety of colours and styles and thought maybe I could get a couple (separated of course)....then maybe a tank with ghost catfish and kuhli loaches...now I am thinking about a very large tank with Oscars and Clown loaches, but that is very far away!!! I had lots of bad luck with fish growing up so think I could just be overly optimistic.


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Hi Dragoncat

Prier preperation prevents poor performance So it would seem you will start of realy well

good luck with your surch for the ideal Bettas are a good place to start and can be quite interactive Like feeding with chopstix Which you dont have to do but its a good trick :applaud: to show your friends :dance:



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