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Another Insane Pairing

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Well seems I've done it again! Our betta tank (a fairly well planted 38lt) has 2 new residents. Son got himself another litte VT boy and I had a stray (unsexed) BN, so they live together. Came out this morning to find both fish "bubble-surfing". Wiggles (BN) was upside-down in the bubble stream and Ghengis (VT) was going back and forth through the stream using it to ride to the top of the tank!! When I turned the bubbles off (only run at night) Wiggles went and sulked under his DW and Ghengis went and attacked the wand looking for more then came to the front of the tank to perform his "NOT HAPPY JAN" dance! Will edit and add video link when I work out how!! :byebye:

that didn't work...back to the drawing board!! Ok i give up just picture it in your heads :angry:

Edited by FlameDragon
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Rhys I cracked up when I found them took a vid and uploaded to "U-tub" but just can't seem to get any further even after I read BOTH lots of instructions in the Showroom. Just seem to be going round in circles so

lets see if this works

ok crap vid but link works :D just wish i could get it to embed!! Now to practice video mode on camera :lol:

Edited by FlameDragon
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I saw a koi doing this at the pet store the other week - but just imagine the same thing in a tank the size of two bath tubs, a medium koy and quite a strong current. He was having such a blast!

Saw your video - very funny they look so cute :D

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Our Red boy used to do exactly the same thing...they may not like a strong current but they sure as hell have a thing for bubbles!! Used to run a small air filter in Red's old tank and he used stick his headin the bubbles coming out the top :lol: Bubbles are turned off at the moment so Ghengis is cruising back and forth across the back of the tank just waiting. He obviously figures it worked the last time so lets keep cruising and sooner or later them bubbles WILL return!

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I'd love to know what causes this behaviour in fish. Can it really be just for the fun of it?

I have four loaches who do it almost every night. Swim circles through the bubbles, over and over again like synchronised swimmers, its insane.

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