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Newby from Melbourne!


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Hi guys,

I am a new member here, hoping to learn as much as I can while I set up my new tank. :) I already have a little 2ft tank in my daughter's bedroom that houses two sunset platties and about 13 neon tetras. It is a really pretty tank with heaps of plants and the fish are beautiful. But I have just bought myself a new 4ft tank and I am very excited! I pick it up very soon and then it will be all systems go (slowly of course). Looking forward to learning heaps here!


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Thanks Busman. :) The betta in your avatar is gorgeous! I love bettas but have been too scared to try owning one yet. :) I forgot that I also have two outdoor ponds with fish as well. They are totally self sufficient now and don't require food or cleaning - the fish eat the mozzie larvae and plant material in the pond, and they are minimally stocked so they just stay clean. :) I love my ponds! We are also in the process of building a raised garden bed with a bath for a pond. I'm hoping to get that up and running in the coming weeks. :)

Oh and I will try and get some photos of the set-ups very soon. :)

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Alright, here are some bad photos. :) The small tank was given to me for my birthday when I was about 8 or 9 years old. We always had goldfish when I was a kid but could never keep them alive for long. I've learnt so much since then and the new set up is my first tropical tank. The fish have been thriving (and were breeding like mad until the fish food incident last year - don't worry, fish food is now out of reach of children) and I'm hooked on tropicals now. :) Unfortunately the glass is very scratched from some over enthusiastic cleaning!


And these are my ponds. They are both quite large and when we bought the house, the ponds were empty and covered by overgrown shrubs. I was very excited to find them and set them up. :) The small pond has three goldfish in it and the large pond has four feeder goldfish and dozens of creek-caught guppies. They are BRILLIANT for getting rid of the mozzie larvae! We ripped out all the plants when we moved here and are in the process of replanting with mostly natives. I have to move and add some more grasses, but I'm hoping that you'll barely see the edges of the ponds eventually. :)




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A few more pics - these are my neon tetras. The guy at the aquarium shop told me they were very hard to keep. Well these guys have been the hardiest little fish and so low maintenance! My plants have also grown so much! The tank is under a window and I put the light on for a few hours every day. Sorry the photos are so crappy, I had to use my phone.



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