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@ Neffy

Thats an amazing length of time to stay incognito but an great suvival tecniqueI wonder if a male was present wether he would know the difference?

@ Mighty Matt

where they all from the sam spawn and what type where they?



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but is there a sister that would compliment him Ness? and can we have more pics as he develops would like to know if he will mate and if his offspring would have the same trait as he did and well he is a good looking dude



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There are a few siblings left but like paul said earlier breeding to a sibling is probably only going to increase the deformities and not a good idea, If i was to breed him I think I would try to find a girl with only a few rays & SD form to try and reduce the rosetail effects. I dont mind when fish have rosetails but when they are stunted bumpy headed late bloomers im a little hesitant on the morals of breeding them.

Ill keep this updated with pics and developments :D

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