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These fish look female dont they ? (excuse the colour the light is a red light didnt work well with my camera)

They are 1+ year old here, from HM longfin parents. see first log link in siggy.

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Because one of them after almost 2years of age and living with its siblings peacfully was jarred (new temp housing) and has decided its fins and ventrals are going to start growing a little bit more each day and now looks like a male fish

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I will photo when I get home tonight!

I just cant stop thinking about it then i looked up the old photos and i went more crazy and i couldnt withold a post untill tonight.

Even the behaviour has changed, yes she challenged and was top of the pecking order before but wasnt aggressive but now any fish pass her coke bottle and the flare and aggression is on, i wont release her again she would go mental

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So you don't believe it's a he then? Maybe CT are different as I can sex 90% of my last 3 spawns very early on. By week six at the latest. The most reliable way I have found is the anal fin. More so the way the ray extensions are shaped and look of it, not by the length.

Is it possible for these fish to hold off puberty until conditions allow for breeding? What I mean is, can a male not sprout while he is in community tank with no territory but once he has his claim on a territory, then sprouts? Long shot but other animals do similar things.

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The spawn of about 30 fish had one male that I never saw develop I gave it away early on, they took a very long time to grow and even longer to colour up. At 3months I jarred every single one of them and they lived in their jars for a long time untill they grew to an adult size amd I sold them, the keepers where all put into a community tank and lived like that together untill now when i moved them out of the community tank & put a few that looked a bit worn out into jars floating with the rest of them.

Jarrod: I might try breeding them yea just to keep this line going many attempts with them have been fails (maybe because they are all boys T_T)

Busman: It has to be a he ! it just looked female for so long with a large tummy like it had eggs. betta are not gender changing fish are they? Your theory sounds good but they where jarred while I waited for them to grow then moved to a community.

the fish in question im almost certin is the fish in the first photo does that anal fin look female or male?

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My mate has an ENORMOUS male cat that she bought as a "small female" her name is "evie" and is still referred to as a SHE, even after it was castrated.

Another gender bender.

Betta aren't self sex changing, however there IS a very simple bit of surgery that can be done to 'change' the sex of these fish... as illustrated in some of the 'reading' articles I posted a few weeks back.

Totally and entirely possible that this is a late blooming male - particularly if you found these ones slow developers.....

This could well be the best news yet!

F1 F1 !

Lucky you have that lovely new fish tank to play with


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It could be possible that they didnt mature in the jars being so slow to develop that busmans theory is still valid that then having no territory futher prevented them from maturing.

Its been such a shock tho id have thought them well and truely done even that they where probably too old to breed now

It is good news but it increases my must breed list yet again (if he will) lol! each time ive looked over at the new tank ive been filled with hopes and dreams XD

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Definitely looks male :blink:

Do these guys carry DT in their background? That topline bump isn't too severe. If you try to breed him (?) if you have a female with a good topline, it should balance things out.

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I think you're looking at a moderate-severe rose tail issue here, Neffy. The reports on rosetail are that it can cause stunted/retarded growth, pale colouration, scale irregularities and poor caudal fin development. The tell tail sign is excessive ray branching and this trait is demonstrated nicely in the dorsal of this little BOY.

Breeding siblings in this instance is probably asking for trouble. Breeding with this fella is also probably not a good idea, but in terms of using him to increase caudal branching, etc etc, rosetails have been, and will continue to be used to achieve this result... I personally would not use this fella for breeding purposes - sorry.

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No worries Paul

very good to hear your thoughts on it extreme rosetail was not something id considered because the branching didnt overlap each other (untill now) like i have seen in other rosetails but it does describe the situation rather well! also some of the spawn have just withered away with no symptoms

scale irregularities in the pic are more from fighting/missing scales none of the spawn had xfactor scalling.

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OK but big tummys asside was there ever a whitish spot before the anal fine? as it looked like it in the first photo but not in the second and if that is the case then im realy confused (which I do know dosnt take much) I have heard of males showing an ovipositer but have never seen it my self

WOW nature is so crazy some days



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he looked like his siblings is all I can really say, in my mind they where all females so I never inspected for white spots on any regular basis after I made that decision. I think younger males show it then grow out of it so that could be what convinced me he was female that and his fins where of a female length for 2years and he swam about with them every day and didn't kill them.

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