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Oh dear :)


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Mr Spanger just gave in and let me buy another tank...I was warned this would happen. :D I wonder if this is the start of MTS?

I have set two rules for myself... I can not start cycling it until Merlin is well again and I can't have any more fishie babies until after the next event at work (25th June)... so ... I'm hoping Merlin is well ASAP (for lots of reasons...) then I can start cycling late june and I'll have a new betta baby (or two or four) by August. kermadum's next spawn should be about ready to be re-homed by then too. Serioudl, "August" looks a bit odd to write - where is the year going? But ... YAY.


This is it. The dividers are removable and have a small section cut from the bottom to allow water flow. Might need some adjusting but we'll see.

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You will be that crazy fish lady, just like me, just like all the other happy crazy fish ladies in the world....

He can just be the beautiful, doting, loving, partner of the crazy fish lady... so ... there... he's off the hook, no crazy fish people (plural) just singular.



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I dare you to go to spotlight and get some fishy fabric just a small piece and ask him if he would mind a bed spread mad out of ithe look on his face will be priceless

Good job on scoring the tank and the next one and the next one HA HA



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Ha!!! I told you!!!! You saw what my spare room (and lounge room for that matter) look like... it's only a small step from one fish to crazy fish town!!

Meanwhile... I like the look of that little barracks. Where did you get it?

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LOL... Hi Kermadum. Yes you did tell me....More than once... Maybe I should blame you... oh and that very sweet little dude who is currently convalescing in my kitchen (Merlin that is) <_<

I got the tank off gumtree. Pick it up sat - can't wait to get it home and start cleaning it up...After I've written an assignment that is :whistling:

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well I'm pulling out of the purchase - I have decided it's too small.

its only 40x22x15 which = 13L or 3.4 gal by my calculations... better spending the money else where / getting something I feel is better suited size wise as I feel that even as a single tank 13L is too small.

Merlin's current tank is 20L and thats a nice size. I wouldn't feel right putting two or more in something almost half that size. I could get two of them for just a bit more than the price the guy is asking for.

here's the add if any sydney siders want to take it.


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Don't worry, much better out there.

You might find its better value to buy a bigger tank and divide/filter it yourself. Also a lot of LFS lately (Here at least) are doing 20/25litre setups divided up, with built in sumps and air filters at the back.

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Hey Spanger

Design what you want and ask the other half of Spanger to give a hand and make it that way your both involved its a game the whole famly can play LOL but seriusly if you have an idea as to what you want then put in on paper and make it if it works post it if it dont work post it and we can all help you figer it out from there go for it



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