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Hi,I'm From Brunei but in Perth Studying!


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Hi all,been breeding Betta since i was 8yrs old.I'm From Brunei Darussalam and betta macrostoma is where it is located at!!And recently just arrived at Perth last year for further study!!Hope to meet new Betta hobbyist in Perth or Western Australia!! Do check out my website if U guy are free to look at it.. www.bernard-bettas.blogspot.com

I'm hoping to meet up hobbyist in Western Australia and hopefully they might be some show bettas in Australia for us to attend to like Aquafair or Aquarama.Thats all for now..thanks guys!! :embarrass:

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Welcome Bernard! More Perth members. Woohoo!! Now come on Perth folks. You guys need to organise a get together. There's plenty of you now.

Hi bettarazzi..yea i'm hoping to meet some new betta friends in Perth and hopefully organised some betta show,i would like to help out in organising some bettas shows if we could get some sponsor and of course Perth betta players to showcase their nice bettas!! :D

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Hi Macro. Welcome to the forum. If you're looking at organising some shows you should speak to Les as he was looking for the same.

What are you studying here? Are you planning on staying in Australia for long? Do you currently have any bettas?

And there I'll stop before I reach Inquisition level :D

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Hi bettaobsessed, would be interesting to meet up with him,any idea how we could meet up?Currently studying at Curtin University for Degree in Engineering..staying in Australia until i finished my course for four year but during this period,would somehow like to meet some betta hobbyist in Perth..Currently i cant keep bettas at my home as it's not allowed by my landlord. But back in my country,I could say breeding thousands??haha :D ..

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Ignore the landlord! LOL. Generally when a lease says no pets they're talking about dogs and cats. Or if you're really worried then just ask if you're allowed to have a fish tank. Don't tell them you're actually starting a betta farm. LOL

Haha tried asking the landlord and he was like no is a no and which part of keeping pets don't i understand..oh well it's alright but at least i would like to meet some betta hobbyist and do some betta talks :D

HAHA good one.

Tell your landlord it's a 'part time job' rather than a 'pet' when he asks about the 1000's of fish. or you could say you 'work from home..'


welcome to the forum!!

Hi thanks for the welcome but i don't think my landlord want to hear story from me..rather more of $$$$ that what he would prefer..haha :D

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LOL sneaky Neffy. When I was renting I decided I couldn't live without my cat or my fish so I just went ahead and had both. Never had an inspection in the two years I lived there. When I was moving out, after doing the bond inspection the agent asked me why there was fur everywhere. I told him truthfully it was because of the cat. He said I had to pay $80 for a professional cleaner but I got my full bond back AND the same agent rented me the next flat LOL.

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My lease specifically says no aquariums without prior approval. I currently have 8 tanks plus my baine marie barracks and all the real estate agent has ever said was "What's with all the fish?" Oh and no prior approval. I think I missed that part until I resigned my lease 4 months ago. Due to resign again and still no comment on all the tanks. :D

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My lease specifically says no aquariums without prior approval. I currently have 8 tanks plus my baine marie barracks and all the real estate agent has ever said was "What's with all the fish?" Oh and no prior approval. I think I missed that part until I resigned my lease 4 months ago. Due to resign again and still no comment on all the tanks. :D

lucky for u haha but the problem is i'm living with the landlord so actually it's 24hour in contact with him and sometime he would just walk to my room just to have some chit-chat so unable to hide it from him,

LOL sneaky Neffy. When I was renting I decided I couldn't live without my cat or my fish so I just went ahead and had both. Never had an inspection in the two years I lived there. When I was moving out, after doing the bond inspection the agent asked me why there was fur everywhere. I told him truthfully it was because of the cat. He said I had to pay $80 for a professional cleaner but I got my full bond back AND the same agent rented me the next flat LOL.

Lucky u haha but its not the same case here for me.

I didnt tell them, but i had an inspection at 6months and made sure there was only 2 tanks that could be seen the guy just walked right past them but im still paranoid

Hiding inside the cupboard but how do u keep it alive wont it be abit cold for the bettas nowadays??Do u used heater in all of ur tanks to keep the fishes warm?

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Yep heaters and a light for each tank ! My partner is always grumbling about electricity bills hehe

Yes come to think of it i don't even know whether i can afford to pay for the electricity bills for using heater for my fish when i don't even use heater for myself during winter and it's freezing cold haha :embarrass:

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