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Betta farmer


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Has Any one delt with Sirinut Betta in Thailand before? if so what have you dealings been like and what is the quality of her fish like? I am asking these questions as I would like to buy some of her stock but have never bought direct from a Betta farmer before.



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Grrr Matt!!! <_< Sorry guys, I was just going off what I had been told.

Les, I have admired a lot of the fish Sirinut Betta Farm has for sale. Nice healthy looking fish. LOVE some of the plakats! What sort of fish are you looking for?

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@ Jarrod

A DT Red Copper Dragon HM PK I saw one at Korm but he said he didnt have any left and then Sirinut had one and I have allways liked her stock and am thinking if I cant get it on AB ill hunt it down through the breeders but I might need you to talk me through the process Jarrod

@ Sarah

Master the things you do for grasshopper with out you he would be lost in the field

@ Matty Boy

I have some bug spray to be administerd for rong info. Just kiding thanks for the effort Matt you are a real trooper

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