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Surprise surprise.


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Just having a vent.

A few months ago I said how a friend went into a shop to buy a heater for there newly acquired pet, and she was told by 3 staff that it was not needed and a waste of money. She left the store almost in tears. Twice she tried and both times, two different stores, told not too. These are good friends of mine, two young kids, nice people.

I get a call on sat to come look at there fish, not well. I ask about heater and told not yet. Ask him to put his hand in tank, whole hand not just fingertip. He complained the water was cold. Then explained to him that the fish is from Thailand so if it's cold to you, must be freezing for him.

He went to pet shop, photos on his phone, spoke to shop assistant and proceded to get heater for half price. Don't think he would have been fun for the staff. They said heater had nothing to do with it. He proceeded to give them the same talk I just had with him. Lol.

Now, three days later, I am sneaking in a replacement for him as it sounds like he has melt. His youngest son is having seizures which is such a worry and both love the fish.

Going over now to clean and sterilize the tank. Will know more later. Just sooooooooo frustrated.

Aaaarrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhh............feel better now. Thanks.

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But why even ask the pet shop staff anything? Just go in, find the heaters, find the one that says 25 watt or 55 watt or whatever size is needed, take it to the counter, pay for it and walk out. Lower your expectations and you won't be disappointed. LOL.

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oh goodness!! I tried once to have my fish in a heaterless tank, he got very sleepy and wouldn't move, put him back into the heated tank and he came back to life. Picked up a box of 3 aqua 1 heaters for $10 at the EDAS auctions because it's better th have a few extra..

Hope things get better for your mate, sounds like the typical LFS. Makes me pretty angry and frustrated at the way they treat and care for their livestock.

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The LFS staff MAJORITY are all pretty painful

Why do you think I'm on this glorious forum to do all my research before I step foot in a store?

However, let's all take a moment to remember that one very kind, patient, intelligent staff member that you met at least that ONE time.

We've all met that person who happily talked you through whatever it was you were asking, and didn't roll their eyes ONCE at your n00b questions, and sounded somewhat educated about what they were talking about.

Easy to recall the bad ones, yes, I know - they're dime a dozen; but let's not forget the ones that are actually really helpful.

(I know I've found a few, and lord knows my dollar is spent at these stores with these people.)

Money talks and well.. bad LFS staff walks.


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I don't expect even good LFS staff to know everything about every fish species and every piece of equipment. Usually I try to gauge their expertise by asking a question that will ferret out their knowledge or ignorance. Something like, "how do I tell the difference between cacatuoides and borelli?". If all they do is look at the label on the tank, then don't bother asking any more questions about dwarf cichlids. On the other hand if they launch into the minute details of anal fin length and the variations of markings depending on whether the stock came from Germany or Japan, then you better be prepared to buy the things. If they don't know, I don't assume they're a complete moron, they might be the foremost expert on canister filters. My point is that there are gradations of "dumb".

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No one expects them to know everything but what I don't like is when the firmly believe they are right and force these inaccuracies on other people that have come to them for advice. All information is readily available now days so a polite "sorry sir/madam, I am not sure, let me get some one for you" or "let me find out". Much more respect for that assistant from that point on.

I have worked retail/hospitality and it is a horrible job most times. Customer always right, want service NOW and god forbid if it's not up to scratch. I just wish if some one takes a job, accepts that it is also there responsiblity to learn about the product.

I am also annoyed at my friend as well and he knows it.

Anyway, rant over.

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Try Bunnings they go through staff like water and some of the advice I have overheard makes me shuder nothing beats an owner operator that is just about fish love those shops

I hope your friends do well Busman Paul



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Hahahah 'Razzi you're right, there are many "shades of grey"

Just wanted to make some room for those 2% of lovely staff that know a thing or two - and when you find them, hold on for dear life!

I'm a complete gluton for punishment and continue to go back to the large LFS in the Northern suburbs.. everyone is so RUDE to me - even the 14 yearold kid doing work experience looks down his nose at me.

Attitudes are infectious - however there's often a snippet of gold advice from the older staff, the owner or the managers that keeps me comin' back.


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I think I know the LFS you mean and you're right. There is a HUGE difference in the quality of staff. I've had someone there spend nearly an hour explaining everything there was to know about sumps and drip systems and the different options of DIY and commercial products. And other staff who when I ask for a product, rudely tell me they don't stock it and I've had to say, "but there it is on the shelf behind you, is that just a display?"

Pretty much all the LFSs that I go to have some staff that I will talk to and others who I won't.

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I've worked and visited plenty of shops to know the good from the bad, and it makes you shudder when the incorrect advice is being given, no question. It comes down to training and some basic rules in place for all staff, but very few managers enforce and the poor customer walks away confused and possibly worse off, jeopardizing the hobby for this person and others. Simple enough bettas need warmth, i cant understand why shops continue to sell bettas incorrectly.

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I'm fortunate with my LFS.... Absolutely Fish is the name and thats what they do.... fish and only fish (marine and fresh water).....

The owner is quite knowledgeable and he has an employee who has not only bred just about every fish species I've seen, but also written magazine articles, raised live foods, etc etc.... between them they are really the best advice anyone can get locally or possibly even wider afield.... they stock good products, have excellent prices, will order in special orders if requested, know how products work and what will suit a particular tank/fish/situation.... they are the only ones I've heard of to breed some marine fish species in quantity (and are getting inquiries from all over the country at the moment)....

They never claim to be experts in everything.... but gee they're pretty close to it as far as I'm concerned.....

A shop well worth supporting ......

However, there are other places I am aware of that give inaccurate / poor advice, have overpriced stock, poor fish keeping methods, etc.... luckily I do not have to go to those places....

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"However, let's all take a moment to remember that one very kind, patient, intelligent staff member that you met at least that ONE time."

*looks hopeful* We aren't ALL that bad.. :(

The problem is the staff who can't admit they don't know what they're talking about and go to get someone more knowledgeable to assist or take over. I can't count the number of times I've had to get someone who knows more about cichlids than I do (still struggling with them, and I am not afraid to admit it!), and I can't count the number of times people have called me over to help someone who had questions about more advanced betta keeping such as spawning and genetics, etc.

We had one guy come into our shop the other day who had african cichlids mixed in with americans, tetras, barbs, etc. Was feeding them bloodworms and other high protein foods, didn't know what a buffer was and his tiger barbs kept dying. We gave him the correct information re; compatibility, food, etc.

He either thought we were just trying to get him to buy stuff or flat out didn't believe us.

We couldn't believe another shop would knowingly sell him tetra to live with africans.

Guy walked out with nothing. Not even a proper veggie based food for his africans. People only hear what they want to hear and I could tell you stories all day long about the ignorant, the flat out are-you-serious ...?!?! and the know-it-alls. I can't even begin to tell you how much I appreciate customers who WANT to learn, they make up for all the face-palm and head-desk antics. That and the staff discount. *lol*

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