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Bloody Fish!


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Once again, I really should investigate strange noises in my fish(dining) room.

This morning I had put plastic mesh dividers into a tank so my 4 males that were in a unheated tank could have a heated tank. Just found Harry laying on the bottom in Chuck's area. He has no fin damage but obviously has some injuries as he is having trouble swimming and keep rolling to his side on the bottom. He also has damage to his right eye. Chuck also doesn't seem too happy.

I have moved Harry into a shallow plastic container, Tiny is in my barracks and also not looking happy and Chuck and Diego are back in the unheated tank they came from. They will just have to wait for my new barracks now.

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*Putting my sarcastic hat on* Yeh. You guys are really convincing me that one littel fish really will lead to multiple spawns located in every possible free space in the house. <_<

On a more serious note. Not good to hear they had a rough night. Hope Harry picks up for you.

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Thanks! I didn't want to get up this morning because I didn't want to find 4 of my males dead but all are still going. Diego has badly clamped fins, Harry is still not doing well at all and struggling to move much, Tiny is looking a little worse for wear with very slightly clamped fins and Chuck is floating around the girls tank in a coke bottle looking a little happier than last night but still with a little clamping to his fins. There must have been something wrong with the water in the new tank. I had just taken another fish out of it but it must have needed a wc and so moving tanks 3 times in a day must have stressed the poor boys out a little too much. I will put a little more water in Tiny's bottle today now that I know he is swimming around ok and move Diego to a bottle as well and give him some bettafix. They should all come through ok in a couple of days except maybe Harry who I think has been badly injured internally. Both of his eyes have a clear membrane bulging out (popeye?) and he seems very reluctant to move.

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