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I bought both of these fish as females but one is building a bubble nest and the other flares and is very aggressive towards the other females.

Beatrice the Bubblenest Builder


From the look of that belly I'm pretty sure she's female but just wanted confirmation.

Dora the Dominatrix :D


S/he has taken chunks out of the fins of nearly every female in my sorority tank. At the moment s/he is in one of those little guppy breeders to try to protect the other girls until I can figure out what the problem is.

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Beatrice is almost definitely female. Serious curves on that little lass! Voluptuous!

Dora... It's a possible pk boy, but, at present still gets the girly vote. A very masculine girl by way of body shape, but the fins are just too short for a boy.

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Some single ladies don't play like Beyonce...

I had to take Hazel out of the sorority as she was just to FIERCE to contain herself... both my turq and copper ladies would beat the sh!# out of anything that strayed in their way... they flare, and the copper blows her own nests.


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I tossed all my girls from my sorority tank into my community tank.. I'm not sure what happened considering they moved from a 60lt tank to a 90lt tank but one of Pauls girls decided to get super aggressive which got everyone else riled up. Most of my females now have splits or small pieces out of their fins. That girl went into the barracks and they're finally peaceful again. They're really not all that different from people, some fish are just Aholes, psychopaths and murderers. :D

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The girls in my oldest spawn are quite aggressive. And these are siblings sho have been together their whole lives. I'd say Beatrice's bubblenest might be because she dropped eggs, put them in a nest then ate them before you found them. I had another female that used to create a few bubbles every time she gulped her food. And those bubble would last quite a while.

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This is what was left this morning when I got up


Not a huge bubble nest which is why I was still pretty sure she was female but wanted to double check.

Just checked her and her belly is much smaller than it was so you're right again :D

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Still some eggs but nowhere near the size she was when I got her home. She was in the sorority tank along with the other 2 I bought her with but they all got clamped fins the day after I got them and I pulled them out again. One has gone back into the sorority tank, 1 in floating in a coke bottle in there until her fins start growing back a little and this one only started looking better the past day or 2 so she would probably have gone back in on the weekend. I might float her bottle in there for a couple of days first and see how she reacts.

Haha, just realised you meant the nest looked white. I did a water change this afternoon so lost almost of the nest that was there.

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I wonder, if your tap water is so hard that fish can't live in it, is it safe to drink? I'd be talking to the water company to find out if the hardness and alkalinity is at their end or if there is something happening to the water by the time it gets to you.

Are there any fish shops within a 5-10 km radius? Or whatever distance where they are likely to be getting water from the same source? How do they handle the water issues? Whatever they do would hopefully be affordable for you to do.

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I have spoken to one LFS before about the ph in the water and they said they have a lot of trouble getting it right for the fish. Theirs is a little higher than mine. Mine was around 8.5, theirs was around 8.8. I might call in and see what they do for their water. Might even try the other LFS and see what they do.

The one I had spoken to before, I am noticing more and more that when I go in there are tanks of fish with white spot. I saw a whole tank of around 30 silver dollars covered in it the other week when I was there and this water is cylced through all tanks in the shop so it must be in every tank. Apart from the females I purchased there last week I have not bought fish from there for quite a while.

I will check with the water company as well and see what they have to say.

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I can't believe a business can survive if they continue to lose stock through illness. I'm gobsmacked. I made the assumption before that the LFS would have solved the water issues simply so they can stay in business. I guess that's not necessarily the case. It boggles the mind how some people go into business with absolutely no business sense. I tell you what though Bev, at the end of all of this if you can survive without heading over to the dark side (ie cichlids) then you're going to be the foremost expert on keeping tropical freshwater fish alive and healthy in Perth. You'll probably experience and have to solve more issues than anyone else in the country.

I suspect you're not going to get a great deal of joy from the water company. They might just shrug their shoulders and say it's safe to drink that's all they need to do. So perhaps you should consider increasing your capacity to collect rainwater and think about investing in a reverse osmosis unit. You don't have to use both 100% of the time. You could use rainwater when you have it and RO water as a backup. You could make your RO filters and diaphragms last a bit longer that way. And you don't have to use 100% rain/RO either. You just have to dilute your tap water to an acceptable level. Because fundamentally the water is just too hard and alkaline. You still need the trace minerals in it. Just not in that high a concentration.

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Thanks Bettarazzi. I have emailed the water company today just to see if the levels are normal. Strangely enough, the area I live in is one of the biggest areas south of Perth (generally covers 30km N-S and 15km E-W) and there is no mention of it in their reports. I went right through the lists of results for tests done in pretty much every major area in WA and we are not in it. The next biggest area south is on there but the levels are nothing like I am getting and there is also another tiny town half way between here and Perth listed but again theirs are nothing like I have. I find that really odd. It looks like our water may come from the desalination plant so I'm not sure if that makes any difference to normal ground water.

I have started another thread regarding the collecting of rainwater so will see how that goes. Its a good time of year to start. I might even look into a small rainwater tank depending on cost.

As for the LFS I am starting to think there are not many around that are run by people who know everything they should. The shop mentioned, the guy that runs it is extremely knowledgable about a lot of thing to do with fish and I was surprised the first time I saw the white spot but I have seen it off and on for around 12 months now. The other LFS worker was telling me the old "bettas breed in puddles" story a while ago so wont take a lot of advice regarding them from him (his knowledge of cichlids however is great) and the other LFS keeps their bettas in about 100ml of water in small cups so I don't really like going there either. I think I'll use the LFS for supplies and come here for advice from the experts :D

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