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I keep seeing references to the fish's topline in regards to determining sex and also irregularity. I am looking at pics of my fish and trying to find differences in what I assume is the topline (the body shape at the top of the fish?) and all of mine seem pretty much the same to my untrained eye. I notice some have a dip between the dorsal and the caudal, some have a relatively even curve from mouth to caudal where others seem to have a steeper incline between the mouth and dorsal then evening off more towards the caudal. Is this what I should be looking at?

Can someone please explain the differences or even show some pics of what I should be looking for? I have a female that I am not sure about and would like to try to figure it out for myself before I post on here asking for opinions :D


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I think it depends on the type of fish you're looking at. I think it's more obvious with plakats, but I like to see a much more defined curve to the top line where as I like my females to have a more gradual slope down to the head.

Actually I just went looking for example pics and found it to be true with my LF's as well. examples:


Female - Male


Male - Female, 3 month old fry


Older photo of the male, can't find the cable to upload a recent pic of the female.

Two different sibling 'pairs'.

I'd think of it as males should have a nice 'hill' and females a just a slope. Of course this just what I see as ideal, I am not sure what the IBC standards dictate it should look like. The marbled out male was my idea of an almost perfect plakat and I loved that topline of his.

Edited by Yan
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I have that page in my favourites at home, it was how I identified at first what kind of tail my females were (kind of). Seeing the slightly different shape of the ventrals was helpful and I still refer to it occassionally.

As for putting them in the critique threads, I'm not sure you'd all have enough time to pick up all the faults :D They're only LFS buys and I don't expect them to have perfect form. I figure if I can see the faults in them then there are probably plenty more that I can't see :D I usually don't see the faults until after I have got them home, photographed them and sit studying them on my computer. I might have to start scouring AB for some better quality females to breed with my better males.

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LOL Picturing Ness with telephoto ultra-zoom lens taking extreme close up shots of fish to check for faults. Sorry, my strange sense of humour coming out. :D

But if I put one up for critique I'd have to do them all and that could take a very long time. There are far too many of them. 17 males and 9 females (Oops! Where did they all come from???) Will pick a few favs and put them up for educational purposes. It seems like a good way to learn what is good and what is not.

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HAHA See, Obsessed :D And that total doesn't include offspring or the Lavender BF HM pair I have on order with the LFS. OK, Photoshoot. Most of them are around in threads on her somewhere but I'll start a new one. You'll have to comment in between so I can get them all up tho. I'm feeling very much the victim of peer pressure here LOL

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