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Would you believe?


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I have no idea, I'm guessing its something to do with the light.

If they weren't jarred and labelled I'd be thinking they were 2 different fish. This is also the only one that has such a pointed dorsal.

I'd like it very much if he would colour up back to how he looked last weekend :)

Edited by BettaObsessed
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Positive. I looked in wehen I was doing water change tonight and had to double-check the numbering on the side to be sure I was looking at the same fish. He still looked pretty dark when I did Monday's water changes.

Just looking back through the photos. 4th April he was light coloured, 12th April he was looking darker, the top one above was taken 17th April, the bottom one was taken today.

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I have a one of my 9 spawn that are probably just a bit older than this one- who has shown pinched fins like this, she was like that for a few days before I noticed she had something resembling velvet.

keep a VERY good eye on this one, throw some salt and perhaps some IAL if you have it - even bettafix (can't hurt)

I would anticipate loss of colour and loss of volume as a sign of something wrong

Safe than sorry (etc etc)


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Absolutely Wayne, but it sounds like it might be a difference IRL....

I have to say I'm still not convinced it's the same fish - unless that anal has shrunk?

And I think I'm counting 8 rays on the top fish's dorsal

and 11 on the second - couldn't be the same fish.... surely.

okay..... it's waaaaay past mightnight and I'm about to turn into a pumpkin.

Stop staring at rays Ness


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When he swims he pulls his fins in then spreads them again while he's "gliding". The shot was taken in the inbetween time so that is probably why the fins look clamped. Here is another shot taken at the same time where he was just sitting in one spot, not swimming.


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I really cant see how they could have swapped jars. Its not like they could have gotten out and into another jar. All of my jars are numbered so I know which one I'm looking at and can keep track of their growth and colour changes.

I have moved him to a bigger tank so I can keep a better eye on him and not have to lift him in and out to check on him.

Is it possible that this is a marble thing?

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His ventrals still look clamped to me. I'm presuming you didn't have one that looked like this beforehand. And you don't now have what was previously a pale fish that has somehow coloured up.

Regardless of which fish it is, it now looks like this. And even if you hadn't shown what he looked like previously I would have said this fish looks ill. Fins slightly clamped, body underdeveloped compared to eyes and head. This is not the marble effect in action. He appears to have lost colour as a result of stress. But as his keeper you're best placed to determine whether or not that's likely to be the case. I'm just making a judgement based on that photo.

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He is in another tank being treated for velvet. He may well have been stressed because I had taken him out of his jar and into the photographing tank. There is no way it could have been another fish unless they had somehow managed to swap jars by themselves during the week but they'd both have to be really good jumpers with great aim for that to have happened.

As for looking under developed. Yes he is, the whole spawn is. These are 13 week old fish that are the size 7 week olds should be. This is because I wasn't feeding the right things at the start and wasn't doing water changes but they have more than doubled in size in just over a week so they're getting there.

I will go through the photos of the others and see what they look like in regards to clamped fins.

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His colour has come back and the fins are unclamped. I will probably take him out and put him back in his own tank tomorrow. I would have done it today but there still seems to be an issue with his dorsal. When he points it up, the back end of it seems to twist slightly. Its not clamped but kind of twists around slightly to the side.

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Matches its owner then :lol:

Thanks. I check them pretty much every day so looks like I caught whatever it was before it got bad. Apart from him losing colour and the clamped fins there was never any sign of any illness. Maybe he just wanted a holiday in a bigger tank :)

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