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Hi All,

Well, in the last 10 days I have set up a small tank (about 20L). Purchased all the items one little betta could possibly need ( I think) and have re-decorated my tank at least three times. We ran the filter and heater for 12 hours the other day to make sure that the temp got up to 26C and stabilised and realised that the lid has an annoying rattle which means that the whole tank will have to be moved to another room before the little guy comes home on Tuesday. Anyhow...


What brand of pellets do you guys recommend and where do you buy them from? I stupidly picked up a packed from Kellyville pets the other day and it didnt have a price on it - it cost a small fortune - more than most of the others on the shelf.

Further to that - what brand of pH and water testing stuff do you guys recommend? I dont mind paying a reasonable price if you swear by it. That said - I won't be buying anything from kellyville pets again on further research they're a zillion times more expensive. They did have a cute little blue boy there but.

I also got a tiny packet of java moss but there is too much (I think) for my small tank. Most of it is sitting in a bowl of water at the moment. Should I just add it to the tank - will it really take over my entire tank or should I just chuck it in the bin? Anyone in the general Hills / Parramatta area of Sydney want it? I don't have my fish yet so it shouldn't be contaminated with any illnesses (Not that I am saying he will have any - but you know what I mean).

When you look at a boys tank and there all all those little bubbles sitting on the surface - is that the "bubble nest" you all refer to? Do they only blow it when they're happy or just any time. I have looked at about a million fish over the last ten days ... ok well I have been to 5 LFS / LPS so ... maybe 50 to 100... but still I only saw on guy (the blue dude I mentioned above) who had these bubbles.

Will you all kick me off the forum if I confess I have multi-coloured fluro pebbles :o and obviously fake looking (but I think cool) plastic plants in my tank? :lol:

While I was at the big pet shop (Kellyville) I noticed they had LOTS of stuff I suspect is not needed. But What is the blue stuff in a bottle and they also had "betta pebbles" which were in some clear solution - the bag said to empty the entire bad into the tank for a healthy betta. I didn't buy either but I wondered what they're actually supposed to do. I also thought about the irony of selling over priced pebbles, some blue stuff and a fish in a 500ml tank. They'd make a lot more money if they just started telling everyone that you really did need a decent sized tank, filter and heater.

Final question.

I have ...



java moss,




decorations which shouldnt tear fins and a hidy hole,

Betta Water Ready,

Betta Bio Clean,

Betta Bio Start, - these three were cheapish and I just added them to a big cat/dog order I did on line


Desk lamp - no lights on the tank its just a cheapy gold fish tank I got from Kmart,

A syphon,

a name picked out.

I will pick up some blood worms and water testing stuff this weekend

THEN I get my boy...Have I missed anything?

Anyhow, I am super excited - I feel like I'm about 6. I'm off to Dubbo for the long weekend and I'm staying at the Zoo, then when I get home we pick up the boy and I also have an extra day off work - so I have a 6 day weekend.

Hope this is in the right section. Kick me up the butt if it's not.

Phew. That is all.


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Well firstly I'll just want to say how happy I am to hear that you have taken the time and effort to make your little guy as healthy & happy as possible! Well done, I'm sure he would thank you for it.

I find a 20L tank is perfect for a single male, great choice. :)

What brand of pellets do you guys recommend and where do you buy them from?

I find with feeding my Bettas, variety is best. Try to give live food as often as possible, but then I understand this isn't always an option. Frozen food (Brine Shrimp, Bloodworms, etc) thawed out seems like a pretty good alternative. As for dry, there is a thread HERE on what dry food members use.

As a tip, fasting your Betta once a week (say, don't feed on Monday) and then giving them a bit of pea the next day is a great way to help their digestive system.

Just thaw a pea, stab it with a toothpick to de-shell it.. then cut into Betta-Bite size, and feed on the end of the toothpick (pointy bit snipped off). He may not take it at first, just be persistent and he will (hopefully) eat it every time.

What brand of pH and water testing stuff do you guys recommend?

Hmm, can't really help you with that one sorry.. although I've heard the test tubes are better than the strip tests ones.

Should I just add it [Java Moss] to the tank - will it really take over my entire tank or should I just chuck it in the bin?

I would add it to the tank. Grows moderately fast, but if it gets too big, just pull the excess out. I quite like Java Moss, and Bettas love to rest in it. :)

When you look at a boys tank and there all all those little bubbles sitting on the surface - is that the "bubble nest" you all refer to?

Yup, that's a bubblenest! Although, Bettas seem to blow them due to territorial reasons, not just because they are happy. Those poor Bettas can't be happy in the LFS little jars.

Will you all kick me off the forum if I confess I have multi-coloured fluro pebbles and obviously fake looking (but I think cool) plastic plants in my tank?

Yes. :P

Pebbles are a personal preference, if YOU are happy with the terrible looking fluro pebbles, that's fine. Plastic plants, however, will shred your Bettas finnage sorry. Live and silk plants are much better, you mentioned Java Moss above - I would use that instead. :)

But What is the blue stuff in a bottle and they also had "betta pebbles" which were in some clear solution?

These are two separate things you are referring to, correct?

Can you remember what the blue stuff was called - was it Melafix? If so, it is an antibacterial fish medication.

No idea about the Betta Pebbles sorry. Probably just pebbles packed in a small packet sold for Bettas.

Have I missed anything?

Telling us what the name you picked out is.

Really, sounds like you have everything for a happy Betta. :)

Good luck with your little guy, make sure to post lots of photos - and may he live a long and happy life!

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Can't remember the name. It wasn't Melafix. It did have "Betta" in the name.

As for the the name of the young man - so long as it suits him it will be "Mr. Flansburg". After one 1/2 of one of my favourite bands. There will be a clip of the fishie Mr Flansburg swimming to a guitar solo by the human mr Flansburg in weeks to come I suspect.

As for the plants. I will remove most of them but the main one looks really really soft.

I'll see if I can get an image.

Thanks Sarah :D

It's hard to see any detail and mine is a blue colour but its the Aqua one Copi Coral.

Very very soft - cant hold its own weight out of the water.


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Sarah's covered most of it ....

Re the lid .... get some of those stick on felt dots and cut them to suit and stick them under the cover glass.... no more rattles....

Food - as Sarah said ... live is best... frozen is good..... pellets are easy and good brands include Ocean Nutrition, Hikari and for cheap go for HBH

pH and testing stuff - most brands are good - API tends to be reasonable price but I don't use them - water out of the tap is pH7.2 here and IAL leaves drop it under 7 a bit and that's pretty much fine for most Bettas

Java Moss - keep it all and grow it on - use the excess for your next tank :)

Bubbles - plenty of thick frothy bubbles is happy - just a few in a fish shop tank is wishful thinking

Fluoro pebbles - no comment

Betta pebbles - just another commercial product aimed at Betta novices who want something different to fluoro pebbles

Blue bottle - probably Bettafix or Melafix or Pimafix .... good for recovery from fin tears, etc.... if its a blue liquid probably methylene blue (strong dye) used to cure white spot and the likes

Missed anything? yes.... get some IAL leaves.....

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Fishbites. Where do I find IAL leaves - have read about them. Have not noticed them in any of the LFS/LPS I have been into. That said - I may have over looked them.

And I dont think there will be a "next tank" I think Mr Spanger will divorce me if I say the word "fish" once more let alone try to discuss another tank. That said, he has bee very good at "oh-ing" and "arh-ing" at someone-lee's videos and other photos so there might be hope yet.

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Looks like everything has been covered. Your location says parramatta so might I suggest you pop into Auburn Aquarium some time? :) I work there, you won't be sold random gimmicky stuff, lol. We're all hobbyists and know our stuff. I update an the ad in the classifieds section when we get some nice Bettas (and other interesting bits and pieces) in.

Glad to see someone who does their research before hand, it's quite refreshing. :P

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Hey Yan I might pop over one day when I'm over that way but I already have a fishie picked... its on hold for me else where and there wont be another for a while - as I said above Mr Spanger would divorce me :byebye: if I pushed my luck too far. <_<

And Matt - I've had the filter on for ... 24 hours (total) in the last 10 days - just while I've been playing. Will turn it all back on at least 12 hours before I pick the little fella up early next week so it's at the right temp and I know its all running OK. He's not going to be plopped into water straight from the tap. Is that what you meant?

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Welcome Spanger! Just wanted to say, huge congratulations on doing the research and getting things set up in advance. So many people find out the essentials only after losing fish - Your boy will absolutely thank you for the effort spent.

Couple of points to add -

Your plant looks like rubber, I can't imagine it will be too bad - But drag it across the finest, silkiest material you have on hand. If it catches even a little bit, it will likely snag your fella's fins as well.

No judgement here on the 'clowns vomit' pebbles (I love that description, can't remember where I heard it LOL) - decoration is a highly subjective thing.

Its very important that you do a little more reading on 'cycling' your filtration. 9/10ths of fishkeeping is actually keeping the water and bacteria happy, and you will need to keep these bacteria happy so that your fish is not poisoned by living in his own wastes. Simplified nitrogen cycle -


Ammonia and NitrIte are extremely toxic and will kill your fish in various nasty ways. Most fish will tolerate low levels of NitrAte, but plants and water changes will remove this from your water before it becomes toxic. The bacteria you will grow in your filter convert waste from Ammonia, to NitrIte, to NitrAte.

Just leaving the filter running won't do it. You will need to have it running, while feeding waste into that water in place of your fish to promote bacteria growth, so that those bacteria will be in place when your fish arrives and starts pooping. Several ways of doing so, try a google search on 'Fishless cycling', or if you know a trusted someone with a fish tank, try and steal a bit of their filter media to get yours started.

Recommend an Ammonia and NitrIte test kit at the very least so you can check on this cycling process, always choose the drops over the strips - They'll last heaps longer and are much more accurate.

Edited for clarity.. Its late!

Edited by Pyrefly
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Sounds like this little man is about to enter the penthouse.... what a lucky fish!

Kudos to Sarah for answering you so thoughtfully, I'm sure between everyone's comments here they've summarized the general beliefs of what's going to work.

As for aesthetics, wellllllllll that one's up to you... (fluro!) but as you've spent so much time already setting the tank up - howz about you check out the Aquascaping Compeition 2011, it's for all of us beginners to show off the beautiful homes we make for our fishus.... even our lady ga ga neon-fishus.

IAL isn't usually available through petstores, again someone is your best bet, unless someone posts them up on the classifides.

My understanding is that live plants help equalize the nitrite and nitrate (correct me if I'm wrong ppl) I've got heavily planted tanks with long soft green that they love resting in, or hiding in, so that might be an option later on.

The other thing you could consider getting is a "Mystery Snail" or "Apple Snail" if you find you're getting a green tank, they do an amazing job keeping water and GLASS clean, however you do need to hoover up behind them a little (siphon) but its a trade-off, perhaps something for down the track.

If you have anywhere mozzies lay their larvae at your house - my adult fish LOVE the bigger "wrigglers" so that's a cheap easy live food - otherwise some LFS sell Adult Brine Shrimp by the bag.... Frozen blood worms as a treat will have your blue man over the moon.

Looking forward to photos once he settles... lucky boy.


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I may have read that wrong but it sounds like you're not running the filter 24/7? Even without fish in there you should be leaving it running 24/7 so it will develop. If you turn it off and on off and on you will kill off the good bacteria. Leave it switched on and only turn off for maintenance. :)

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Out of interest.... what filter are you using?

A 20 litre tank with one Betta really doesn't need that much filtration - in fact a lot of my tanks with one Betta (and the ever present clump of java or other moss) don't get filtered - just water changes.....

A small sponge filter is all that's needed at a maximum for that kind of tank and if there's no overfeeding, one Betta isn't going to generate a massive ammonia spike (especially with regular water changes and a lower pH if IAL is used)....

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Um. I'm sneaking onto the board from work for a quick check ...I have bad fish brain. More excited about the fish than I am about the long awaited Zoo trip!

I) I dont know what kind of filter it is off hand. It came with the cheap tank. It's nothing amamzing and if the lid didnt rattle you wouldnt know it was on.

II) I'm not leaving it on 24/7 at the moment because I dont have the fish and I didnt know when I was going to get him. I'll be away all weekend but will turn it on when I get home and leave it on.

III) Will have to try to figure out what to do about cycing the tank in the mean time. Thanks for the info will read it properly tonight from home.

IV) Will get some IAL through someone-lee ASAP - thanks for the kind offer kermadum :D


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Well he's here.

We ended up naming him Merlin cause he doesn't have any ventrals - a bit of a nod to Merlins Beard :dance:

Anyhow... we got him home and he was super hyper. He explored hard. Played in his new plant and had a feed. IMG_1460.jpg


Then I went out for a few hours and when I got home he was resting / very lethargic. I'm hoping it's just been a long day for a little fishie and he's back to normal in the morning.

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