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Gender guess



13 members have voted

  1. 1. Gender

    • Male
    • Female

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Picked up this little fish on the weekend and just want some opinions into its gender, The fish is still a little bit small and maybe young, as well as the chews on the anal fin make it a bit hard to tell 100%! so thats why im asking. I know what i think it is (and what i hope) and ive done some behaviour testing that ill relay after a few responses so that i dont tilt the poll one way or another to begin with.

So by appearance only what gender do you think this young fish is.

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I'm guessing female too... although she does remind me of the little blue dragon girl that I tried to breed with the blue BF boy... she was a he! Had the little round belly, the prominent egg spot, the vertical bars.... and still wanted to grow up into a boy... go figure!

This one has an egg spot which is fairly obvious, and the back half of her abdomen seems to have a fusiform sort of shape, sort of like a cone shape just above the front part of her anal fin suggesting ovaries that might be lurking in there somewhere. It's just something about the ventrals and the pointy face that suggest unsprouted male... but I'm sticking with female

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I am guessing: Female!

Did you get this one from coburg on the weekend?

I went down and bought one that looks almost exactly the same! I am having the same trouble- not entirely sure whether it is male or female... so i bought another one just in case :blush:

Hoping a lot of feeding up will help me tell.

Good luck to us both, I guess!

@Ness: Oh my god... he is really hot...I think I am feeling a bit confused now :lol:( this may be funnier if I let you know I am fairly straight... although I am not so sure now...)

Edited by Rhys
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Thanks everyone !

Im thinking Female as well, but i really want her to be a female i need a dragon girl so i was unsure if my hopes where affecting my logic :P I also had to buy her as a male she was in a jar next to the rest of them.

putting "her" next to a male she doesnt flare back or go crazy at them (very passive) but they are showing off and flaring at "her" I will try a spawn tank setup and see if the male starts fussing and building a nest and if she bars up which she hasnt yet...

@Rhys Yes i did get her from coburg :) she was next to one that was very similar but had a little bit longer ventrals and anal fin so i guessed that one was a male. You can post some pics of yours if you want for people to guess at :D

@ness The eyebrows give it away !! but very womanly for sure

Edited by Neffy
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Looks can be deceiving Ness. Saw an interview with the above model and I must say, very hard to tell it's a he untill he talks. Eyebrows a giveaway to.

But, didn't notice at first, was too busy perving. (I am happily married with too boys). Lol.

Sorry Yan, the fish............uuuuuhhhhmmmmmm female. Just the "look" of her. Just a guess though.

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I gota say GIRL.

I had to go out and look at my Red Platnum Dragon HM PK and her ventrals are quite long and she is definatly a lady (spawned to prove it)

Love the androgenus look it was so in when I was young and it adds a whole new level to the playing fied and I am married with child (17)



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I love the devil's advocate - who knows you might be on to something, he might mature into a stunning Pale pink dragon - let's hope not for neffy's sake.

Cam did mention that there were several Females in that shipment- and that he was only bringing in PK giants, and CT/"HM" Long fin splendens.. however there is the chance that the breeder has some PK in the lines and the females are males (however unlikely)

I am curious about how old these guys are, hopefully only a few months... would be great if they bulked up a bit with a feed.

Will love to see how this lady goes with the Salamander man - but shhhh let's not give away the pairing just yet (cat's out of the bag)

I think it's hilarious we're all enjoying Andrej's look, it's certainly all over the media at the moment, He carries himself with such elegance and is real sweet in person.

Also love that the boys are having to 'appreciate' him and then qualify their persuasion - Hell, I'm a single straight lady, but I'm completely in love with Andrej!

Pity he dosen't bat for my team...

Just as pretty as your little dragon tho.


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Yes ill try feed her/him up and see what happens with time !

That is a great idea to pair her with salamander man, i hadnt considered it but i think that would be interesting tho id get mostly coppers in the fry and then would have to cross back to mum to get dragon fry. Id hope the purple/blue iridecence would stick as i had a lavender dragon and he was AMAZING.

These are the fish i was thinking of pairing her with, I cant choose whom yet : Opinions welcome !

They are kermadum's coppers, the father was a Dragon but the mother was copper? so i asked for the most metalicy ones and breeding to a dragon i think a good portion of the spawn will be dragons ?

they also are SD not HM they look like they could be HM just by the volume but they dont extend very far when flaring so thats something fun to work on as well!

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Would you consider putting her to the little man in your avatar? Technically he still should have his father's size genetics... and he's a really lovely little fish..


p.s form a constructive p.o.v this little dude would help round up her body shape (hopefully produce a nice arc in the topline - with the first boy)

And perhaps the finnage will be tidied up with her nice little fins, you would be producing SD tho... I'd imagine.


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Little pouty is refusing food =( hes not in good shape and i cant figure out what to do. perhaps the stunted growth has given him health problems. If this girl turns out to be a boy i have poutys sister still doing well.

The father was VT of these boys and there form was really improved with a good female, im hoping my dragon "girl" would improve them more in her fry, and i think im leaning towards the first one more as well.

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Oh Ness the second one if she is a female and you had the full red in those fins that would be shear DRAGON MAGIC I would truly have dragon envy. you see I like PKs becouse im not confident with the long fins Ill leave them to the experts



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hmm do u mean me ?

I do like the full red fins if i breed to the first butterfly male, full red should turn up as well which makes it hard to pick hehe!

since the males are longfin all fry will be longfined as well, even if the female was a pk

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Sorry Neffy I think I might have been shaken as a baby can I use that excuse at this age I think I could have been typing on one of Ness threads as well but I new I was talking about your fish I realy think the out come of that pair is going to be somthing to watch



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Don't sweat it, half the time I don't know which way is up.

Neff - are you preparing these kids for the spawn tank?

Can we see more pics of the boys? I want to see a better shot of the first boy's beudiful bod... more and more convinced his finnage is better than shiny #2 pants.


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