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Help with a fiery female


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Hi Guys OK I need help or this girle will stay in isolation for the rest of her lifeshe is the Black Dragon PK girl.Hear is what I have done to date

1. after a few days of conditioning with the male released her and she emediatly went for him and chased him to the point of intimidation so seperated this has happend four times with about four to five day intervals.

2.tried puting her next to the Red Dragon Male and becouse he is realy fiesty and isolated the black male so he might become territorial NO it didnt work they both started fighting this has happend three times so far

3. put her in a tank with the two ugly sisters VT girls I ran the banana ex with. Now I must say these two girls are real B#Tches they will have a go at anything, well she went straght for one who after a short chase changed from her normal dark self to light and submisive the other female was then eyed up and the fight began a lot of jostling but the Dragon lady got a lot of head strikes in nether one would settle so a lot of java fern and moss has been placed in that tank it allready had 3 clay pots in and a few plants there but every time they come across each other it starts up again.

What should I try next? I dont think the the Red Dragon male would stand a chance as she is a big girl. So I need your Help Sugestions PLEASE

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try conditioning them next to each other for about a week? and then when you finally put them in the spawn tank together, put her in a coke bottle with holes in it. If you're really worried, don't let her out until she's almost ready to drop her eggs (ie head down, submissive, fins clamped). But overall, lots of space and plants should help as well as patience and calm. I myself just had a pretty feisty couple, but believe me, when they want to, they'll do it :giggle:

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Les, are you keeping her "jarred" in the spawning tank while the male builds his nest etc. They will potentially kill one another if you release the female too early. I've had a female tear a male apart because I released her too early.

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Looking back at your photos Les, I don't think you have to worry about her being a male in disguise. I am 99.999% sure it's a female. She could be the twin sister of my black dragon girl. You can have aggressive females, you just have to make sure you can spot the sighns that she is ready to be released and submit to the male.

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If you can put her in a chimney with the other girls, I'd let them flare themselves silly - just an idea, but the more exposed she is to stimulation such as other males/females that she can't get to, should reduce her inclination to become territorial.

Over stimulate! Get the behavior sorted out first, (or at least try) hen worry about putting her in the spawning tank - think of that poor male's welfare!


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Hi Thanks guys

@ Jarrod

you are right she is a girl as she has droped eggs allready and that was after I took her out for fear of that poor boys life

@ MT

I have tried that she is to cocky for a week every time I went to the garage she was flaring even if the male was over the other side.

@ Rocky girl

Yes she is she has an egg spot and she has droped eggs as an egg spot isnt always reliable so I am told.

@ Matt

Yeti Yeti Yeti LOL you are a real card some times I now know what you are on about

@ Ness

yes I am going to put her in a floating jar so her and the two ugly sisters dont go for it again and I will wait for submissif signs. I have placed the male in a smaller 1 ft tank to see if he will be more assertive in a smaller area than in the three ft tank

the red Dragon girl is ready to go again she spent most of today trying to get through the divider to the red dragon boy do you think if the black dragon boy successfully mates he might be a bit more assertive with the black dragon girl?

Edited by les
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Yeti Yeti Yeti LOL you are a real card some times I now know what you are on about

Oh Les, you are soooo behind. We've moved onto the next song now. *lol*

Don't really have any advice to give other than repeating what others had said - just GOOD LUCK & I hope you get a spawn soon. :bighug:

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Thats briliant Razzi I hadnt thought of that she is looking a little submissive after a whole night with the two ugly sisters head down fins flat so ill put her next to him now and see how long till there is an egg drop

Thanks to every one



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OK she ahs droped today so now I time her until she drops again right ? she is looking realy submisive now after the two ugly sisters had a word or three with her nasty girls those two!

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I must warn you that it was a suggestion not made from experience. There is of course a chance that introducing her when she's ready to pop could make her even more aggressive if the male isn't ready. But you've tried different things already so I guess it's worth a shot. Also can't guarantee that the drops will be absolutely regular like clockwork.

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Hi Razzi

I will try any thing at this stage. she is to nice not to breed from her and she is big so I am hoping that the fry will be as well.

I dont mind if people havnt tried it them selfs its just somtimes when things are in front of me I cant see the forrest for the trees so if I get an outside opiniun it helps broaden my vision on the situation and what you sujested is seeming to work so thanks



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