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Fish Panting


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My new Black Orchid I bought on Friday was just sitting on the bottom of his tank panting. I had him uncarded next to a female as he had been blowing a bubble nest over night. I sat I watched them for about 10 minutes and both were fine. When I went back out about half an hour later he was sitting on the bottom panting. I have removed him into a shallow water container. He is still swimming around fine but when he stops he is sitting on the bottom panting.

Any ideas?

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I used the test stick that I have but that didn't test for ammonia. All was good on that. Went back an hour later and the blue hm was laying on its side on the bottom. Pulled him out and the other 2 that were in there and tested for ammonia. That was it. Have rinsed the one of the filters in the water to try to speed up the cycle and the fish that were in there will have to live back in coke bottles until it is sorted.

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