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Hi, I'm Dee.

I was at my local petshop last week and saw what is quite possibly the most beautiful fish I have seen in my life! It was a royal blue veiltail betta, and I fell more or less instantly in love.

Unfortunately, due to financial constraints and not having kept fish before, I couldn't take him home with me. So I'm now doing my research and saving up for a tank and the materials I need. If I'm very lucky, he might still be there when I've got everything set up! (I don't fancy my chances though.)

I love pretty much all animals, and I'm also going to start keeping frogs in a few weeks. And hopefully I will be adding a snake to my pet collection later this year.

Also, If there's a betta society based in Brisbane, I would love to hear about it!

So, hi and thanks for having me. Hopefully I won't drive anyone too crazy with questions when I eventually get my first betta.

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You're definitely in the right place to fall in love with Betta.

The veil tails are what are most commonly available in LFS (Local Fish Stores) but do a little research into the Halfmoons and Super Deltas

They might help you spend more money than you had intended to, but there is so much more fish to look at!

See someone's youtube channel here

There are also lots of talented breeders in your area - so keep an eye on the classifieds, these fish travel surprisingly well by courier!

Welcome to the fold!


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