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Hi all,

I have been a fan of tropical fish tanks for awhile, and have generally muddled along with (often poor) advice from salespeople in shops. My own tank is currently dismantled, but my brother has just purchased a new house, and has inherited an outdoor fish pond. Given he (nor his fiance) have never kept fish before, my housewarming gift and new project is to spruce up this pond.

I live in Melbourne, and have decided to do this properly, by talking to people who don't have a vested interest in selling me things!

My favourite fish are guppies, but I think I am going to have to develop an affection for goldfish of various shapes and sizes!



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Hey Fizz,

Welcome to the forum - great to have another Melbournian on board... just be careful - you'll soon turn into a full fledged fish-nerd, you might even end up with a few tanks of your own!

In the past I have kept some amazing show quality Ruykin that I got from Victoria Street (Richmond) a small aquarium called "New Life Aquarium" - or there's Subscape up the road from there - they are VERY helpful and have great quality stock.

(They also have outdoor setups and fish already conditioned for ponds)

All the best


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I have two empty tanks (calling my name softly from the downstairs storage area) - One small 20L tank I was using at some time as a growout tank and one large 80L tank I was having as a community tank. I had to slowly dismantle them though, as I was struggling time-wise. I'm sorely tempted to get them going again (but I am in a tiny flat and both tanks were in the kitchen!)

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One little tank wouldn't hurt... would it?

The 20 litre would be perfect for a little Halfmoon Betta Splenden... pop a heater in there, some good lighting...

Think of the dramatic Aquascape you could do... much better to watch than TV....


note: image taken from my website - currently a work in progress so no link as yet.

I feel like I have my car-salesman tweed jacket on trying to sell sell sell.



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I can't go past guppies.. I just let them do their thang and watch what happens.

I'm tossing up about tetras (by BF likes rummys).

I personally like gouramis - but they don't like me for some reason (I could never figure it out).

I'm going to get a better light source I think, my current source is good at growing algae but poor at growing plants! I want some green in there too.

Suggestions welcome.

EDIT - fix typo to change BFs to BF - don't want to give out the wrong impression!

Edited by Fizzy
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