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New guy


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Hi Guys,

I'm new to all of this so please bare with me......

Just starting up my Betta collection again after sometime and noticed that a lot of things have changed

I have joined the forum to make friends with other Betta breeders and collectors and also to buy bettas

So far I have 3 CT males copper in colour and one half-moon female that is copper and purple purchased from Auburn Aquarium.....(Never really liked female fighters till I saw this one)....

Always on the look out for awesome fighters and im very picky when it comes to my collection....

Currently im turning a old TV set into a aquarium, might post pics once completed

I have breed in the past, Convicts, Oscars and other fish...

If you have any other questions please feel free to ask..

Hope to speak to you guys soon

Roc blink.gif

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Hey Roc,

Always good to have a 'New Guy' especially when he's a Betta man!

You're lucky there are a few breeders in NSW, I'm sure they'll become obvious - have a good look through the Gene pool at the spawn logs, when they are around 2-3 months old you start seeing them appear in the Classifieds section of the Forum.

Also worth looking at (if you're as fussy about your fish as I am) see youtube channel "Fishchick65" for amazing imported HM's and specialty Betta.

The old TV sounds like a classic transformation - they're quite a task, good luck... be sure to document it in the DIY section of the forum.

(I sound like a flight attendant, and the exits are here, here and here.)

One last thing, we're having a nerdy forum competition, it might inspire you to get the TV done! The thread is here

Have a look around - enjoy - and if nobody has asked a question before- ask away.


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Thanks for the info......

I just shipped the telly of to a mate today, his wiring it up for me so the on/off switch lights up the lights and the volume control dims and brightens them.....

(fingers crossed it doesn't back fire)....

Thanks for the link to the Gene and spawn pool ill be checking it out....

Questions, is it strange when i go from Aquarium shop to aquarium shop looking for good Bettas?

Wife thinks I have issues LOL


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RE: going from LFS to LFS looking for good Bettas: NOT STRANGE- this is perfectly normal and acceptable behaviour around here. We also haunt websites and continually beg for photos of each others fish (well...some of us more others... :blush: )My husband thinks the loungeroom looks like Marineland (stupid bugger! I only have freshwater tanks :dance: )and is wary of letting me near an LFS with out an accompanying adult :blink: NannaJo B)

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Matt_95 - Yeah Auburn is the only place with in a good travelling distance from home that has good clean fish...

I think i know who your talking about...... i have seen her you tube page it was some nice bettas on it.....

Thanks for the welcome guys

Yan- yeah you should see her, copper and purple.... still looking for those black orchard pair but LOL

FlameDragon - my wife rolls her eyes when I walk into a shop.....lol only my dog understands me sometimes....biggrin.gif

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