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Yay ! Congrats EVERYONE !!

hehe I feel like a cheater getting a placing for being one of the only 3 entries XD

oh and the graphics are great :D thankyou for running this Ness!

Edited by Neffy
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Thanks Ness... :)

Thanks to everyone entering too.... there's some great aquascaping ideas among all the entries and the later photos too.... I definitely want a nice larger tank planted up now - got one beginning to show shoots on crypts and a few swords but will have to see if I can get some nice foreground plants going next....

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I love that they gave constructive criticism too, I wish I had entered but with the amount of algae in the tank.. really didn't feel right entering, lol. Not to mention the camera, uh, difficulties.

Oh and congrats to the well deserved winners!

Edited by Yan
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some nice tanks and fish all

To who owns new gardens I would love to know what the rock is in your tank and where it come from as I have been looking for something like that and cant quite make out what it is from your pic

If you could pm me some details it would be appreciated



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Big Ups to all those who entered... All just an opportunity to show off our L33t Skillz

Some further feedback from the amazing someone:

Betta Garden

-Design & Layout – lacks depth and perspective

-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape –gravel too large for plant size


-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape – nice set up for a betta

-Plant & tank health – a little cloudy, plants look good

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / capturesnatural activity of fish&fauna)

-Fish (appear comfortable & Natural, photographed appropriately, compliment aquascape) healthy

Green Salad

-Design & Layout – nice use of plants, rocks too central

-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape -consider moving rocks back a bit and having them less central


-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape – good, should be able to maintain with little effort

-Plant & tank health – tank cloudy, plants good

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / captures natural activity of fish&fauna)

-Fish (appear comfortable & Natural, photographedappropriately, compliment aquascape) perhaps lean a rock over to create a cave – fishis in great condition

Quietly Under

-Design & Layout – like this

-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape –java fern too large, remove and replace with a smaller plant at the base of the wood

-Lighting – effective placement

-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape – anubias andjava may grow too big

-Plant & tank health - excellent

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / capturesnatural activity of

fish&fauna) – nicely done

-Fish (appear comfortable & Natural, photographedappropriately, compliment

aquascape) – perfect

At the Bottom

-Design & Layout – a little too central

-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape –larger plants dominating

centre – terracotta pot base a little too obvious. Too manygravel types and colours


-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape – nice tankfor these fish

-Plant & tank health – good

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / capturesnatural activity of

fish&fauna) plenty of swimming space for fish

-Fish (appear comfortable & Natural, photographedappropriately, compliment

aquascape) good

Between worlds

-Design & Layout – nice jungle look

-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape –spoilt by undisguised plant



-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape bristlenosemay skeletonise the softer

leaved plants

-Plant & tank health – water a little hazy

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / capturesnatural activity of

fish&fauna) bit too busy, though arrangement does holdthe eye

-Fish (appear comfortable & Natural, photographedappropriately, compliment

aquascape) – bristlenose look happy with their zucchini!

El Natural

-Design & Layout – left hand side of tank looksforgotten

-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape –smaller forground plants

look great. Swords are going to dominate, perhaps usesmaller crypts instead?

-Lighting – nice effect on the back wall

-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape – hard to seewhat fish are!

-Plant & tank health – great. Blyxa? In centre lookinggood.

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / capturesnatural activity of

fish&fauna) nice use of chain sword – will look greatwhen fully grows in. -Fish

(appear comfortable & Natural, photographedappropriately, compliment aquascape)

Favourite TV

-Design & Layout – if there is room, move the woodfurther to the RH back corner

and angle more across the tank.

-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape –hopefully the dwarf chain

will cover the front of the tank for a lovely green swardaffect.


-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape – java fernwill get too big to stay in the

foreground. Suggest moving to near the filter and let dwarfchain cover front or place

something like hairgrass or blyxa in this area.

-Plant & tank health –some plants look a little yellow(may be light) make sure to

dose tank with balanced NPK

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / capturesnatural activity of


-Fish (appear comfortable & Natural, photographedappropriately, compliment

aquascape) nice vibrant colours

New Garden

-Design & Layout - consider turning the rocks so theylean slight back to the RHS

-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape –plants a little sparse, needs

time to grow in. RHS unbalanced and sparse. Too manytextures and colours with

the selected mix of rocks, gravel and wood.


-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape – nice set upfor these fish

-Plant & tank health – lotus may stuggle in plain gravelwithout root feeding

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / capturesnatural activity of


-Fish (appear comfortable & Natural, photographedappropriately, compliment


Opal mine

-Design & Layout – bit one dimensional

-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape –Sword in centre will

dominate scape. Consider moving to a back corner. This willgive angels more room

to swim


-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape – large plantsin centre may outgrow this


-Plant & tank health - good

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / capturesnatural activity of

fish&fauna) nice foreground work

-Fish (appear comfortable & Natural, photographedappropriately, compliment

aquascape) pity angels are hanging at the side in this pic

Serene Sorority

-Design & Layout – take out the terracotta pots and theremainder of the tank is


-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape –try not to have plants that

will grow large near the front of the tank


-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape – do the potshave plastic bags above


-Plant & tank health- good

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / capturesnatural activity of

fish&fauna)Don't mind the artificial ornaments as theyare not intrusive and match

-Fish (appear comfortable & Natural, photographedappropriately, compliment

aquascape) colourful and healthy

Sorority House

-Design & Layout – nice use of clour

-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape –lace plant in front will

become far too big for current position. Multicolour gravelnot the best choice for

planted tanks. Stem plants will need careful trimming tokeep under control

-Lighting –-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape

-Plant & tank health - good, nice clean, bright tank

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / capturesnatural activity of

fish&fauna) suggest moving the ambulia to the back LHSto screen filter. Let paler

red plant run to the RHS, trimming to a gradient.

-Fish (appear comfortable & Natural, photographedappropriately, compliment

aquascape) nice set up for these fish

Into the Wild

-Design & Layout – great set up for these fish. Bit hardto judge as an aquascaped


-Plant choice, Placement, balance of plant & Hardscape –some plants may not do

well in really low pH

-Lighting – tannins in water make tank glow red

-Suitability of plants/fish to suit aquascape

-Plant & tank health – some plants showing nutrientdeficienc

-Creativity (impression of depth / imagination / capturesnatural activity of


-Fish (appear comfortable & Natural, photographedappropriately, compliment

aquascape) suitable set up for this fish

Edited by Bettarazzi
Couldn't read the teensy font that was here previously
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Great to hear feedback from such respected members of our Aquarium Communities!

Constructive feedback such as someone's & Doug's was exactly what I was hoping for when I first started to 'scape' my small tanks, so it's been a fun way to learn a little more about my own, and other people's tanks.

Also, any opportunity to demonstrate how beautifully our fish live, should be celebrated (it's not all wine glasses and novelty vases)


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Woohoo!! les, the rocks are limestone.... lol they are already starting to disolve a bit..

got them from GardenWorld, $5/kilo, they are the only place so far that i've been able to source them.

ahhh so bummed that i'm so far away from my tank!! I want to adjust everything now, after reading all the crit!

Congrats to everyone :)

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Know what you mean Girlz0r! Got into mine yesterday and trimmed RHS and floor of tank. Left everything alone on LHS as Lightning has built yet another nest (lucky I've got any grasses left at all really!!), I did a little damage to the nest I'm afraid but Lightning seemed happy to rebuild after he'd spent a little time biting and spitting at me while I collected the stray trimmings! :lol:

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